Abstract:A decision-making support system for integrated watershed management was developed using Visual Basic 6.0 language. The support system was developed on the basis of an investigation of current physical and socio-economic conditions in Baizhuang watershed. A treatment and development plan was developed as well. According to the treatment development plan, which were developed for the Taihang limestone mountain area, a engineering shield system was built, which comprises measures to capture hilltop runoff, prevent slope runoff, store runoff on the footslope and drain runoff when field capacity is exceeded. The goal was to establish optimal ecological agriculture for soil and water conservation conditions. Tests and research were carried out to determine optimal planting structures and to determine possible improvements in local ecology using fruit trees and grafting of new varieties. After analysis and evaluation of the current state of animal husbandry and feedback relationships with the local ecological system of Baizhuang Village in Taihang Mountain, the key problem for animal husbandry was identified- degradation and damage of pasture due to lack of overall planning, effective monitoring, as well as effective management. Two main factors determining the numbers of animals in the watershed were identified. These were the market demand for animal products within and outside the watershed and the primary productivity of fodder plants in the catchment. Based on the current state of ecological agriculture, a development model is proposed incorporating the various stages of animal husbandry development in the small watershed. The model is based on the principles that the intensity of animal husbandry should reflect fodder productivity and development should be market driven.