

Runoff Characteristics and Hysteresis to Precipitation in Meijiang River Basin in Guangdong Province During 1960-2013
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    [目的] 全面了解梅江流域的水文特征及其变化趋势,为河流水量调节、防洪防汛及流域生态环境保护等方面提供决策依据。[方法] 以该地区的典型河流梅江为例,利用1960-2013年流域的径流、降水数据,结合累积距平、变异系数、集中度和集中期等数理方法,对梅江的径流量、降水量在年代、年际、季节等时间尺度上进行分析,并用集中期来反映径流对降水变化的滞后效应。[结果] 梅江径流量年际变化整体呈下降趋势,递减率为5.79 mm/10 a;流域径流主要集中在4-9月,季节上主要集中在夏季和春季,径流集中期主要集中在5月下旬至7月中旬;流域内多年降水量呈波动减少趋势,但减少幅度很小,降水集中期主要集中在5-6月;流域内年径流量与降水量存在极大的相关性,并呈线性回归关系(r=0.824>0.428=R0.001,54,回归显著水平超过0.001),流域径流对降水具有滞后效应,多年平均滞后时间为21 d,且滞后天数随着时间推移呈扩大趋势。[结论] 可以推测是人类活动改变了地表覆被状况或者是气候的变化。


    [Objective] Taking Meijiang river basin as a case study, this paper investigates the variations of precipitation and runoff in order to provide supports for river regulation, flood control and environmental protection.[Methods] Runoff and precipitation data during 1960-2013 was collected. Mathematical methods including accumulative anomaly, variation coefficient, concentration frequency and concentration period were used to investigate the variations of runoff and precipitation at decadal, annual and seasonal time scales. The hysteresis effect of runoff to precipitation was discussed.[Results] The inter-annual changes of runoff was declined at the rate of 5.79 mm/10 a. The runoff was mainly concentrated in the summer and spring time from April to September. The fluctuation of precipitation showed a slight decreasing trend in the basin. The precipitation mainly concentrated in May to June. Correlation between annual runoff and precipitation was significant(the significant level is more than 0.001, r=0.824>0.428=R0.001,54). There was a hysteresis effect of runoff to precipitation, the average hysteresis period was about 21 days, and this hysteresis period was expected to increase over time.[Conclusion] Human activity may be the main reason that alters the status of land cover or the change of climate.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-05-11
  • 最后修改日期:2015-08-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-07-12