

A Study on Ecology Rehabilitation Policy in Heihe River Basin Based on Farmers' Livelihoods and Efficient Utilization of Water Resources
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    [目的] 分析影响黑河中游地区生态输水治理工程可持续发展的潜在因素,为该地区生态环境修复提供科学依据。[方法] 通过问卷调查的方式对样本区550户农户进行调查,并采用逻辑回归分析方法对问卷数据进行建模分析。[结果] 中游农户对生态输水治理工程持认可态度,但大部分农户考虑到成本效益、土地规模和灌溉技术等条件的限制,不愿意发展节水农业;同时项目对农户生计造成一定影响。[结论] 黑河生态输水治理工程对节水农业投入不足,水资源短缺形式依然严峻;农户生计受到一定影响,加大了生态治理成果维护的风险。因此,在进行生态输水治理的同时,要建立流域水资源生态补偿机制,扶持节水农业发展,改善农户生计多样化,实现农户生计安全和环境保护的良性互动。


    [Objective] To analyze the potential factors affecting sustainable development of the ecological water transfer and rehabilitation project(EWTRP) in Heihe river basin, so as to provide scientific basis for the regional ecological environment restoration.[Methods] 550 farmers were interviewed by filling out the questionnaires on their participation in the EWTRP, and then the questionnaire data was analyzed through logistic regression modeling method.[Results] Farmers in the middle reaches had accepted the EWTRP, but most farmers were reluctant to participate in the water-saving agriculture due to cost efficiency and land scale and irrigation technologic limitations. In addition, the EWTRP had also affected the farmers' livelihood.[Conclusion] Water resources shortage is still severe because of inadequate investment in water-saving agriculture. The project affects farmers' livelihoods which is increasing the riskes in maintaining ecological management achievements. Thus, for the success of the programs about environmental restoration, besides the ongoing ecological water transfer project, the eco-compensation mechanism of water resource needs to be established to support the development of water-saving agriculture. We must improve the farmers' livelihood diversification, and realize harmonious development of farmers' livelihood security and environmental protection.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-06-24
  • 最后修改日期:2015-08-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-07-12