Abstract:Through wide field inventory, remote sensed image and topographicmap analysis, we found landslide groups and obtained the moving direction data of 162 landslides in southern Ansai county of Shaanxi Province.The moving directions of landslides have the preferential orientationsNNE-SSW and EW. In order to find a possible connection of landslideswith neotectonic stress field conditions, the 926 valley orientations havebeen measured on 1:100,000 scale topographic map. The preferential valleyorientations are N8°E and N77°E. Accordingly, they are considered asthe two shear directions of the local neotectonic stress field. Thus, oneof the principal stress directions has an orientation near N43°E, theother near S133°E, the first of these azimuths corresponding to the maxi-mum compression. Two of the shears can be compared with the movingdirections of landslides.