Abstract:The energy input from human, animal and machines in soil preparation, planting cultivation and management and cutting, etc.to 5 kinds of shrubs and 4 of trees were calculated, then the comparison of energy input with output of standing trees and/or fuel wood was conducted. The production of Astragalus adsurgens Pall., Medicago sativa L., Onobrychis visiaefolis Scop was analysed, in energy input through human labour and seed and energy output through grass, fuel and seed. The energy input to animals through raise and management and their output of energy through animal power, young animal, eggs and excrement of animals were calculated. Having studied energy output with energy input structure of the animals, a systematic analysis to energy flow for the sub-system of animal husbandry was made. It is suggested to develop the number of sheep and cattlas but limit and decrease the number of rabbit and chikens.