Abstract:Based on ecology rehabilitation work in soil and water conservation of Chishui City,the methods about ecolog ical benefit evaluativeon were ex plored. the basict echniques and methods of ecolog ical benef itresearch and e-valuativeon were est ablished. the eraluativeon adhered to objective and systemativec principle,chose indexes of veget a-tiveon mulching degree,biolog ical diversity,community biom ass,soil organic mat ter and cont entof N,P,K and the diversif icativeon of surface soil and sediment content,obt ained the data about soil and water loss and vegetation mulching degree and biom ass,and then estimated the ecological benef its of eng ineering practiveces with quantivet ative method. As a result,eng ineering practiveces obt ained great ecological benefits,for example,by increasing vegetation mulching degree and biological diversity and biomass as well as soil fertivelity,and decreasing soil erosion and sedi-ment content,etc.