Abstract:[Objective] The response of soil water dynamics in Scotch pine sand-fixation forest to rainfall infiltration was analyzed to provide basis for further studying sand soil water management.[Methods] Watchdog soil moisture automatic monitoring system were used to record soil water content of 0-120 cm soil layers in Scotch pine(Pinus sylvestnis) sand-fixation forest in Hunshandake sandland, form June 20 to October 31 year 2014, and form May 1 to September 30 year 2015, respectively. And at the same time, we selected the 3 kinds of rainfall events to study soil moisture content variation with respect to rainfall infiltration under different influence processes in different depth soil layers of Scotch pine sand-fixation forest.[Results] In 19.4 mm rainfall event, it took 4 h for the rainfall infiltration reached to 20 cm soil layers in Scotch pine sand-fixation forest, it took 5 h in moving sanddunes; in 30.2 mm rainfall event, 13 h and 9 h elapsed when the rainfall infiltrations reached to 40 cm soil layers in Scotch pine sand-fixation forest and in moving sanddunes; in 47.1 mm rainfall events, 27 h and 24 h elapsed when the rainfall infiltrations reached to 80 cm soil layers in Scotch pine sand-fixation forest and in moving sanddunes. Depth of rainfall infiltration in Scotch pine sand-fixation forest reached to 80 cm soil layers in 19.4~30.2 mm rainfall events comparatively, depth of rainfall infiltration in moving sanddunes was more than 80 cm soil layers even in 19.4 mm rainfall events, it was more than 120 cm soil layers in 30.2 mm or 47.1 mm rainfall events.[Conclusion] Different rainfall events significantly affected on rainfall infiltration process and depth of rainfall infiltration in Scotch pine forest.