



Pollution Change and Cause of Water Quality in Typical Watersheds of Rare Earth Mining Area in Upper Ganjiang River During 2014-2017
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    [目的] 分析赣江上游稀土矿区典型流域水质的时空分布特征,揭示水质污染状况和成因,为该流域的水环境治理提供理论依据和数据支撑。[方法] 采用2014-2017年赣江上游桃江流域10个监测断面的6项水质指标,运用描述性统计分析、水污染指数法、相关性分析等方法分析该流域水质污染现状及其成因。[结果] ①桃江流域各监测断面不同水文时期的污染状况均存在差异,以氨氮含量的时空差异最为明显。②水污染指数评价结果表明水质类别为Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类所占比例分别为55%和29%,龙头滩断面的水质状况最差,以劣Ⅴ类为主。[结论] 水质污染成因解析揭示出氨氮为桃江流域最主要的污染物,降雨对流域内水环境的影响较大,农业活动和以稀土采选为主的工业活动是造成水环境污染的重要人为活动。


    [Objective] The temporal and spatial distributions of water quality in a typical basin of rare earth mining areas in the Upper Ganjiang River were analyzed to reveal the change and causes of water pollution and provide a theoretical basis and data support for water environment governance.[Methods] Three methods-descriptive statistical analysis, water pollution index, and correlation analysis-were used to analyze the six water quality indicators of 10 monitoring sections in the Taojiang River basin from 2014 to 2017.[Results] ① The pollution status of each monitoring section of the Taojiang River basin in various hydrological periods was different, and the temporal and spatial differences in ammonia nitrogen content were the most obvious. ② The evaluation results of the water pollution index showed that the water qualities of type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ accounted for 55% and 29%, respectively. The Longtou beach section was dominated by type Ⅴ water, with the worst water quality.[Conclusion] Analysis of the causes of water pollution revealed that ammonia nitrogen was the most dominant pollutant in Taojiang River basin. Rainfall had a significant impact on the water environment in that basin. Moreover, industrial activities, dominated by rare earth mining, as well as various agricultural activities, were important factors causing water environmental pollution.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-10-13
  • 最后修改日期:2020-11-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-03-16