


国家自然科学(41761039,42071135);广西科技基地与人才专项(桂 AD19110142,桂 AD20238046)和广西特聘专家人才项目(2019B16)

Dynamic monitoring and spatio-temporal pattern of ecological environment quality in Nanning city based on Google Earth Engine
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    [目的]利用遥感技术及时、动态、客观地监测和评估城市生态环境质量变化信息,对城市生态环境规划与管理具有重要参考价值。[方法]以南宁市为案例,利用Google Earth Engine (GEE) 平台对2000~2020年季相相近的Landsat TM/ ETM+和 OLI系列遥感影像进行像元级融合、消除色彩、去云等预处理,通过中值合成法计算绿度、湿度、干度和热度等4个遥感指标并采用主成分分析法构建遥感生态指数,定量评价南宁市生态环境质量动态变化及空间分异特征。[结果]南宁市RSEI多年平均值为0.615,总体呈现“下降—上升—稳定”的波动上升趋好的态势。生态环境质量较好的区域主要是自然保护区、山林地、草地和水域,生态环境质量较差的区域则集中于人类活动频繁、土地利用强度较大的城镇及城乡交错区、农耕区。生态环境质量与植被绿度和湿度指标呈正相关,与干度和热度指标呈负相关,且干度指标因子对 RSEI影响程度最大。[结论]南宁市2000-2020年间生态环境质量总体生态环境质量处于良好水平且呈现上升态势。结合GEE平台和RSEI指数能够较好地反映城市生态环境质量,可为城市区域生态环境质量长期序列监测提供计算平台。


    [Objectve] Using remote sensing technology to objectively and timely dynamic monitor the urban ecological environment status and change information was of great significance for urban ecological planning, management and protection. [Methods] Nanning, the most critical core city of the China-Asean economic circle and the Beibu Gulf urban agglomeration, located in the transitional zone from karst mountain to non-karst basin in Guangxi. Here, this paper collected Landsat TM/ETM+/OLS historical images of the same season from 2000 to 2020 year, and removed images clouds, chromatic aberration on Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform at the pixel level. Meantime, the median value composite was adopted to calculate four remote sensing indicators including greenness, wetness, dryness and heat, and the remote sensing ecological index (RSEI) was constructed by principal component analysis (PCA) to evaluate the dynamic changes and spatial differentiation characteristics of urban ecological environment quality in Nanning city, under the help of parallel cloud computing ability in GEE. [Results] The average value of RSEI was 0.615 in Nanning city, and its ecological environment quality had shown a fluctuating upward trend of "down- rise- stable". The spatial heterogeneity of ecological environment quality in Nanning city was obvious. The areas with better ecological environment quality mainly concentrated on the nature reserves, forest land, grassland and water area, while the degraded areas of ecological environment quality were mainly distributed in the cities, urban-rural combination zone and farming areas. RSEI had a positive correlation with greenness and wetness indicators, while negatively correlated with dryness and heat. [Conclusion] RSEI could well characterize the ecological environment quality of Nanning city, and the overall ecological environment quality was at a good level from 2000 to 2020. This paper provided and demonstrated that GEE could effectively improve the remote sensing images quality efficiency and be used as a computing platform for monitoring and assessing the ecological environmental quality in the urban region and long-term sequence.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-11-22
  • 最后修改日期:2023-01-10
  • 录用日期:2023-01-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-11-02