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    摘 要:探讨甘蔗等高种植与新植适宜的配置比例,为甘蔗种植区减少坡面沟蚀和养分流失、提升耕地质量和合理种植甘蔗提供技术支撑。[方法]本文通过野外测量与实验分析相结合,确定苗期、分蘖期、伸长期和成熟期四个甘蔗生长时期,低、中、高3种等高种植和新植比例的甘蔗坡面沟蚀量和养分流失量,并明确其影响因素。[结果]①整个甘蔗生育期,那辣流域甘蔗种植坡面沟蚀及其导致的全氮、全磷流失量分别在31.3-66.3 t/hm2、39.0-82.5 kg/hm2和18.0-38.4 kg/hm2之间;②苗期是那辣流域沟蚀和养分流失的主要时期,其贡献量占全年比例为47.7%-57.7%。③全生育期,高比例等高(Hc)的坡面沟蚀和养分流失比低比例新植坡面(Lc)低33.03%-35.42%(P < 0.05),但中比例等高(Mc)和Hc、Lc的流失量均不显著;低比例新植(LRp)坡面沟蚀和养分流失量比高比例新植(HRp)低27.41%-32.98%,比中比例新植(MRp)低21.02%-25.86%(P < 0.05),凋落物覆盖度和根系密度是影响沟蚀与养分流失的重要因素。④全生育期,坡面全氮和全磷流失量分别占年氮肥和磷肥施用量的24.1%-39.5%和107.0%-156.7%。[结论] 甘蔗种植时,60%以上的等高种植比例和30%以下新植比例,可以有效减少坡面土肥流失。


    [Objective] Investigating the suitable configuration ratios contour planting and replanted configuration ratios of sugarcane, it can provide technical support for mitigating gully erosion and it-induced nutrient losses, improving cultivated farmland quality and rationally planting sugarcane in sugarcane growing area. [Methods] In this paper, three ratios of higher, medium and lower of contour and replanted sugarcane slopegully erosion and nutrient losses were determined by field measurement and laboratory experiment, with the stage of establishment growth (EG), vegetative growth (VG), grand growth (GG) and ripening growth (RG), and the influencing factors. [Results]①During the total growth (TG) of sugarcane, the total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) losses caused by gully erosion on sugarcane planting slope in Nala watershed were 31.3-66.3 t/hm2, 39.0-82.5 kg/hm2 and 18.0-38.4 kg/hm2, respectively. (2) EG was the main stage of gully erosion and nutrient losses in Nala watershed, and the contribution was 47.7%-57.7%. (3) In the stage of TG, gully erosion and associated nutrient losses of higher ratios of contour (Hc) were 33.03%-35.42% lower than those of lower ratios of contour (Lc) (P < 0.05), but the losses of medium ratios of contour (Mc) were not significant with those of Hc and Lc. Gully erosion and nutrient losses oflower ratios of replanted (LRp) were 27.41% to 32.98% Lower than those of Higher ratios (HRp), and 21.02% to 25.86% lower than those of medium ratios (MRp) (P < 0.05). The litter cover and root density were the important factors affecting gully erosion and nutrient losses. (4) During the stage of TG, TN and TP losses of slope accounted for 24.1%-39.5% and 107.0%-156.7% of the annual N and P application respectively. [Conclusion] Planting sugarcane with more than 60% contour planting ratio and less than 30% replanted ratio can effectively reduce soil and nutrients losses on slope.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-01-19
  • 最后修改日期:2023-02-19
  • 录用日期:2023-02-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-11-02