





Effects of Land Use Change on Terrestrial Ecosystem Service Value and Carbon Storage in Dalian City
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    [目的] 生态系统服务价值(ESV)是评估区域土地利用变化是否科学的重要手段之一,关系地区可持续发展。评估滨海城市ESV和陆地碳储存(TCS)变化,为大连市经济发展与生态系统服务价值调控提供依据。[方法] 利用2000—2020年5期土地利用数据和相关数据,基于土地动态度、当量因子法、土地转移矩阵、ESV贡献率、TCS和主成分分析法,计算大连市土地利用变化动态及其对ESV,TCS和陆地碳储存价值(TCSV)的影响。[结果](1) 在空间分布上,大连市建设用地主要侵占西南部沿海地区的耕地和林地。(2) 2000—2020年的4个时间阶段,大连市生态系统服务价值呈现先降后升,持续加剧下降的发展趋势;耕地面积减少,建设用地面积增长对生态系统服务功能保持造成直接影响。(3) 2000—2020年的4个时间阶段,大连市TCS和TCSV呈现先升后降,持续加剧下降的发展趋势;林地面积减少直接影响TCS功能的保持。(4) 2000—2020年大连市土地利用转移矩阵中,以耕地、林地、草地转出,建设用地转入为主;造成不同地类的生态系统服务贡献差异,贡献度大小为耕地,林地、湿地、水域、草地和未利用地。(5) 2000—2020年大连市的ESV,TCS变化主要受经济GDP增长,调整三大产业结构和镇化水平发展影响。[结论] 从大连市经济发展,ESV提升、TCS能力提升和可持续发展角度出发,需要着重关注滨海岸线建设用地扩张与生态用地和农业用地的冲突问题,加强对北部林草生态用地的保护,加快滨海地带生态环境修复工作,提升生态用地的碳封存能力,避免建设用地无限制盲目扩张。


    [Objective] Ecosystem services value (ESV) is one of the important measures used to evaluate whether regional land use change is scientific. ESV is related to regional sustainable development. ESV and terrestrial carbon storage (TCS) changes in coastal cities were evaluated in order to provide a basis for economic development and ESV regulation in Dalian City. [Methods] Five periods of land use data and related data from 2000 to 2020 were analyzed in this study. Land dynamics, the equivalent factor method, a land transfer matrix, ESV contribution rate, TCS, and principal component analysis were used to calculate the land use change dynamics in Dalian City and their impacts on ESV, TCS, and terrestrial carbon storage value (TCSV). [Results] (1) Construction land in Dalian City mainly encroached on farmland and forest land in the southwestern coastal area. (2) During the four time periods from 2000 to 2020, ESV in Dalian City initially decreased and then increased, and the decline continued to intensify. The decrease in arable land area and the increase in construction land area had a direct impact on the maintenance of ecosystem service functions. (3) During the four time periods from 2000 to 2020, TCS and TCSV in Dalian City initially increased and then decreased, and the decline continued to intensify. The reduction of forest area directly affected the maintenance of TCS function. (4) In the land use transfer matrix for Dalian City from 2000 to 2020, farmland, forest land, and grassland were mainly transferred out, while construction land was mainly transferred in. The contribution of ecosystem services varied among different land use types, with contributions ranging from cultivated land, forest land, wetlands, water bodies, grasslands, and unused land. (5) The changes in ESV and TCS in Dalian City from 2000 to 2020 were mainly influenced by economic GDP growth, adjustments to the three major industrial structures, and the development of urbanization level. [Conclusion] From the perspective of economic development, ESV improvement, TCS capacity improvement, and sustainable development in Dalian City, it is necessary to focus on the conflict between the expansion of coastal construction land and ecological and agricultural land, strengthen the protection of northern forest and grass ecological land, accelerate the ecological environment restoration work in coastal areas, enhance the carbon sequestration capacity of ecological land, and avoid unrestricted blind expansion of construction land.

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