
1.东北农业大学 公共管理与法学院;2.东北农业大学;3.黑龙江省国土空间规划研究院;4.山西农业大学



Spatio-temporal pattern evolution and influencing factors of low carbon use efficiency of cultivated land in Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang Province
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Spatio-temporal pattern evolution and influencing factors of low carbon use efficiency of cultivated land in Songnen Plain, Heilongjiang Province

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    [目的]探究黑龙江省松嫩平原地区耕地低碳利用效率时空演变规律及影响因素,对区域耕地资源低碳高效利用以及推动农业可持续发展具有重要意义 [方法]本研究借助超效率SBM模型测度2005—2020年黑龙江省松嫩平原地区33个县(市)耕地低碳利用效率,利用空间自相关和核密度估计方法分析各县(市)耕地低碳利用效率的时空格局演变特征,进而采用地理加权回归模型探究其影响因素。[结果](1)研究期内黑龙江省松嫩平原地区耕地低碳利用效率呈“升-降-升”演变态势,均值为0.80,未达到最有效生产的前沿;(2)从空间维度看,耕地低碳利用效率存在显著的正向空间相关性,且局部呈较强的高低值集聚分布态势,热点多核极化现象显著,主要分布于区域北部和南部;从时间维度看,耕地低碳利用效率表现出不同程度的极化特征,且内部差异呈逐渐缩小的演变趋势;(3)从影响因素看,人均播种面积、单位耕地面积化肥使用量、农村居民人均可支配收入和涉农支出对耕地低碳利用效率具有正向影响,复种指数、单位耕地面积机械使用量及城镇化率对效率呈负向影响,人均GDP对耕地低碳利用效率在不同年份影响程度和方向存在差异。[结论]黑龙江省松嫩平原地区耕地低碳利用效率整体呈上升趋势,且区域间存在明显差异,未来应优化资源配置效率,建立区域协同机制,发挥热点区域示范作用,助推各区域耕地低碳利用效率的提升。


    [Objective] To explore the spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land in the Songnen Plain region of Heilongjiang Province, which is of great significance for the low-carbon and efficient utilization of regional arable land resources and the promotion of sustainable agricultural development. [Methods] This study used the super efficiency SBM model to measure the low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land in 33 counties (cities) in the Songnen Plain region of Heilongjiang Province from 2005 to 2020 , Using spatial autocorrelation and kernel density methods to analyze the spatiotemporal pattern evolution characteristics of low-carbon utilization efficiency of farmland in various counties (cities), and then using a geographically weighted regression model to explore its influencing factors. [Results] (1) During the research period, the low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land in the Songnen Plain area of Heilongjiang Province showed an upward downward upward trend, with an average of 0.80, which did not reach the forefront of the most effective production; (2) From a spatial perspective, there is a significant positive spatial correlation between the low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land, and there is a strong clustering distribution trend of high and low values in some areas. The phenomenon of multi core polarization of hot spots is significant, mainly distributed in the northern and southern regions of the region; From the perspective of time dimension, the low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land exhibits varying degrees of polarization characteristics, and the internal differences show a gradual narrowing trend of evolution; (3) From the perspective of influencing factors, the per capita sown area, the amount of fertilizer used per unit of arable land, the per capita disposable income of rural residents, and agricultural expenses have a positive impact on the low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land. The multiple cropping index, the amount of machinery used per unit of arable land, and the urbanization rate have a negative impact on efficiency. The per capita GDP has different degrees and directions of impact on the low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land in different years. [Conclusion] The overall low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land in the Songnen Plain region of Heilongjiang Province is on the rise, and there are significant differences between regions. In the future, it is necessary to optimize resource allocation efficiency, establish regional synergy mechanisms, play a role in demonstration of hot areas,and promote the improvement of low-carbon utilization efficiency of arable land in various regions.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-13
  • 最后修改日期:2023-11-20
  • 录用日期:2023-11-22