



Chemical Characteristics of Surface Water and Suitability Assessment for Irrigation in the Lingjiang River Basin in Southern Zhejiang Province

Changsha Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Center of China Geological Survey,Changsha Hunan

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    灵江流域是浙南诸河流域的重要河流,也是浙江重要的社会经济活动区。揭示流域地表水体水化学特征及其灌溉适宜性对该区域生态保护和高质量发展具有重要意义。本文综合利用数理统计、Piper三线图、主成分分析和离子比等方法对流域地表水体进行水化学统计分析及成因判别;通过绘制Wilcox图和USSL图评估流域内地表水体灌溉适宜性。结果表明:灵江流域地表水水化学类型在空间上具有分带性,从中上游(Ⅰ区)-下游温黄平原河网区(Ⅱ区)-台州湾入海口(Ⅲ区)水化学类型从HCO3-Ca型向Cl-Na型过渡。流域地表水水化学组分受天然溶解及人类活动共同影响。其中Ⅰ区段地表水体水化学特征主要受到岩石风化作用中的硅酸盐岩溶影响解,少量受碳酸盐岩溶解影响;Ⅱ区主要受硅酸盐岩溶解影响,Ⅰ、Ⅱ区地表水体适用于农业灌溉;Ⅲ区主要受蒸发盐岩溶解影响,灌溉适宜性较差,易引起盐碱害。Ⅰ、Ⅱ区K+Na+主要来源于硅酸盐矿物溶解,Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、SO42-主要受硅酸盐岩溶解,少量来源于碳酸盐岩的溶解。NO- 3则主要主要来源于人类活动。


    Abstract: The Lingjiang River Basin is an important river in the southern part of Zhejiang Province and a significant area for social and economic activities in Zhejiang. Revealing the hydrochemical characteristics of the surface water in the basin and its suitability for irrigation is of great significance for ecological protection and high-quality development in the region. This study comprehensively analyzed the hydrochemical statistics and origins of the surface water in the basin using methods such as mathematical statistics, Piper trilinear diagram, principal component analysis, and ion ratios. The irrigation suitability of the surface water in the basin was assessed through the Wilcox diagram and the USSL diagram. The results show that the hydrochemical types of the surface water in the Lingjiang River Basin exhibit zonation in spatial variation. The hydrochemical type transitions from an HCO3-Ca type in the middle-upper reaches (Zone I) to a Cl-Na type in the lower reaches and the Wenzhou-Huangyan Plain river network area (Zone II), and eventually to the Taizhou Bay estuary (Zone III). The hydrochemical composition of the basin''s surface water is influenced by natural dissolution processes and human activities. In Zone I, the hydrochemical characteristics of the surface water are mainly influenced by the dissolution of silicate rocks during rock weathering, with a lesser influence from carbonate rock dissolution. Zone I and Zone II surface waters are suitable for agricultural irrigation, mainly influenced by the dissolution of silicate rocks. In Zone III, the surface water is primarily influenced by evaporite rock dissolution, leading to poor irrigation suitability and the potential for salt-alkali damage.In Zones I and II, K+ and Na+ primarily originate from the dissolution of silicate minerals, while Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3-, and SO42- primarily result from the dissolution of silicate rocks, with a minor contribution from carbonate rock dissolution. NO3-, on the other hand, mainly originates from human activities.

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