
1.陕西科技大学 环境科学与工程学院;2.西安绿环林业技术服务有限责任公司 旱区生态水文国家林业和草原局重点实验室



Preparation of Organic Synthetic Soil Amendments and Its Effect on Improving the Erosion Resistance of Sandy Soil

School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Shannxi Universtiy of Science Technology,Xi’an

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    [目的]探究以玉米芯、腐殖酸为原料制备纤维素基土壤结构改良剂对沙质土壤抗侵蚀性能的改良效果。[方法]选择漆酶(Lac)和木素过氧化物酶(Lip)的单酶类型和双酶协同,设置3个酶活水平、2个玉米芯生物质添加处理,固定腐殖酸用量,通过水溶液聚合法制备纤维素基土壤改良剂。利用红外光谱对酶解产物及改良剂官能团进行表征,基于溶胀特性分析土壤保水持水能力和改良剂的网状特征,基于机械性和水稳性团聚体相关参数分析改良剂对沙质土壤抗蚀性的改良效果。[结果](1)纤维素基土壤改良剂的吸纯水倍率为纯腐殖酸基改良剂的0.61-4.84倍。添加4 g漆酶(20 U)+木素过氧化物酶(20 U)酶解产物制备的土壤改良剂(LLP3-4)的吸纯水倍率最高,为66.7 g/g。改良剂溶胀过程符合Schott二级动力学模型。(2)与CK相比,三种酶解方案制备的改良剂(Lac3-4、Lip3-4和LLP3-4)1%添加处理,土壤的饱和持水量提高了20%-60%;LLP3-4可使机械性大团聚体和水稳性大团聚体(粒径>0.25 mm)含量分别增加了6倍和14倍,使土壤平均重量直径和几何平均直径分别增加了70.59%和46.67%,分形维数降低了21.36%。[结论]双酶预处理方案制备的纤维素基土壤改良剂可显著提升沙化土壤的保水持水能力及抗蚀性能。


    [Objective] This study aims to investigate the improvement effect of cellulose-based soil amendments prepared from corn cob and humic acid on the erosion resistance of sandy soil. [Methods] One or two mixtures of laccase and lignin peroxidase, three enzyme activity gradient levels, two corn cob addition masses, and a fixed amount of humic acid, were set to synthesize cellulose-based soil amendments through an aqueous solution polymerization method. Meantime, the characteristics of enzymatic hydrolysis products and functional groups of amendments were performed using infrared spectroscopy. The water retention capacity and network characteristics of the amendments were analyzed based on their swelling characteristics. In addition, the improvement effect of amendments on the erosion resistance of sandy soil was also evaluated based on the parameters related to mechanical and water stable aggregates. [Results] (1) The water absorbency of the cellulose-based soil amendments was about 0.61-4.84 times that of pure humic acid based amendments. In which, the soil amendment prepared by adding 4 g of enzymatic hydrolysis products of laccase (20 U) and lignin peroxidase (20 U) hydrolysate, had the highest water absorbency with a value of 66.7 g/g. The swelling process of the soil amendment corresponded to Schott's second-order kinetic model. (2) Compared to the control group (CK) , the addition of 1% amendments (Lac3-4, Lip3-4 and LLP3-4) synthesized by the three different enzymatic hydrolysis schemes increased the soil saturated water content by 20%-60%. LLP3-4 can increase the content of mechanical large aggregates and water stable large aggregates (>0.25 mm) by 6.15 and 14 times, increase the average weight diameter and geometric average diameter of soil by 45% and 46.67%, and reduce the fractal dimension by 21.36%, respectively. [Conclusion] Cellulose-based soil amendments prepared by dual enzyme pretreatment scheme can significantly enhance the water retention capacity and corrosion resistance of sandy soil.

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