



Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Carbon Emissions and Eco-efficiency Evaluation of Cultivated Land in the Urban Belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia
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    摘 要:[目的]为构建低碳农业模式,推动农业碳减排,促进地区农业高质量发展提供支撑。[方法]采用耕地碳排放估算模型和ArcGIS计算分析宁夏沿黄城市带耕地碳排放进行时空特征,采用非期望产出超效率模型(SBM)评估耕地生态效率值。[结果](1)2011-2020年宁夏沿黄城市带耕地碳排放总量总体呈下降趋势,化肥和农用柴油是耕地碳排放的主要来源。(2)宁夏沿黄城市带耕地碳排放呈现南北高,中间低的空间分布格局,其中平罗县和中宁县是最大的耕地碳排放城市。(3)宁夏沿黄城市带耕地碳排放强度呈先升高后下降的趋势与耕地碳排放总量变化相似。(4)宁夏沿黄城市带耕地利用生态效率总体呈波动状态,利通区耕地生态效率较低,需要调整农业生产过程中的投入要素。[结论] 研究宁夏沿黄城市带耕地碳排放和生态效率时空演变特征并探究其关键影响因素,相关结论能为宁夏构建低碳农业和精准施策提供参考。


    Abstract:[Objective] To support building a low-carbon agricultural model, promoting agricultural carbon reduction and high-quality regional agriculture development. [Methods] The estimation model of carbon emission from cultivated land and ArcGIS calculation were used to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of carbon emission from cultivated land in the urban belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia, and the unexpected output super-efficiency model (SBM) was used to evaluate the ecological efficiency of cultivated land. [Results] (1) The total carbon emission of cultivated land in the urban belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia showed an overall downward trend from 2011 to 2020, and chemical fertilizer and agricultural diesel were the primary sources of carbon emission from cultivated land. (2) The carbon emission of cultivated land in the urban belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia shows a spatial distribution pattern of high in the north-south and low in the middle. Pingluo County and Zhongning County are the largest cultivated land carbon emission cities. (3) The trend of carbon emission intensity of cultivated land in the urban belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia is similar to that of cultivated land. (4) The ecological efficiency of cultivated land use in the urban belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia fluctuates as a whole, and the ecological efficiency of cultivated land in the Litong area is low, so it is necessary to adjust the input factors in the agricultural production process. [Conclusion] To study the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of carbon emission and ecological efficiency of cultivated land in the urban belt along the Yellow River in Ningxia and explore their key influencing factors. The relevant conclusions can provide a reference for the construction of low-carbon agriculture and accurate policy implementation in Ningxia.

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