





Characteristics of typical slope runoff and its influencing factors on the southern foot of the Taihang Mountains.

College of Forestry,Henan Agricultural University

Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(41807174);Key project of Henan Provincial Department of Education(18A220002);Project of Key Scientific and Technological Challenges of Henan Province ((182102311008)

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    [Objective]This study aims to investigate the soil runoff characteristics on the southern slopes of the Taihang Mountains and explore the influencing factors. The goal is to provide scientific basis for soil erosion control and ecological environment protection in the southern foothills of the Taihang Mountains. [Methods]The study focuses on the fish scale pits and natural barren slopes on the southern foothills of the Taihang Mountains. The runoff characteristics on the slopes under different vegetation types including herbs, shrubs, and trees were measured, and the influencing factors were analyzed. The geographic detector statistical method was used to quantify the individual and interactive effects of various factors on slope runoff. [Results]The results indicate the following: (1) There was no significant difference in the average runoff depth between herb, shrub, and tree communities on the fish scale pits. However, the average runoff depth of the shrub and herb communities on the natural barren slopes was significantly greater than that of the tree community. Compared to the natural barren slopes, the average runoff depth decreased by 56.61%, 72.80%, and 39.58% in the herb, shrub, and tree communities on the fish scale pits, respectively. The average runoff depth showed a decreasing trend with increasing gravel content. The control effect of gravel coverage on slope runoff had a threshold, and the minimum slope runoff depth was observed when the gravel coverage ranged from 6% to 9%. (2) The single-factor influence of gravel coverage (0.31) was the highest on slope runoff in the southern foothills of the Taihang Mountains, followed by vegetation coverage (0.29). (3) The interaction of slope runoff influencing factors mostly exhibited nonlinear enhancement and dual-factor enhancement effects. The interaction between rainfall and non-rainfall factors showed nonlinear enhancement effects. [Conclusion]The presence of a large amount of gravel contributes to the complexity of slope runoff processes in the southern foothills of the Taihang Mountains. Increasing vegetation coverage is an important measure to reduce slope runoff in this region.

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