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    [Objective]To explore the effects of snow removal during freezing-thawing period on soil organic carbon components and carbon pool stability in Bayanbulak alpine wetland. [Methods]A field experiment was conducted in September 2022, with two treatments: snow removal and natural snowfall. The samples were collected during the initial freezing period (November), freezing period (March), and thawing period (July) of the freezing-thawing period, and the soil water content (SWC), electrical conductivity (EC), pH value, soil organic carbon (SOC), very unstable organic carbon (F1), unstable organic carbon (F2), stable organic carbon (F3), and inert organic carbon (F4) were determined. [Results]There were significant differences in the organic carbon content of F1 and F2 components after snow removal in the initial freezing period (P<0.05), compared with the natural snowfall, the organic carbon content of the two components decreased by 8.72% and 12.26%, respectively. There were significant differences in the organic carbon content of F3 components between different treatments in the freezing period (P<0.05), and the organic carbon content of F3 components decreased by 25.57% after snow removal. There were significant differences in the organic carbon content of F1, F2 and F3 in the thawing period (P<0.05), among which F1 and F3 decreased by 22.10% and 25.57%, respectively, and F2 increased by 34.92%, while there were no significant differences in other components. After snow removal, compared with the natural snowfall treatment, the carbon pool activity increased by 5.99%, 9.71% and 20.39% in the three periods, respectively.[Conclusion]The freeze-thaw cycle and snow removal had no significant effect on the organic carbon content and carbon pool stability, but the effect of snow removal on soil was greater than the freeze-thaw change. Snow removal led to the decrease of soil organic carbon content and the increase of soil organic carbon pool stability, which affected the original stable relationship between soil organic carbon components. With the freeze-thaw process, the soil organic carbon content showed a trend of first decrease and then increase, while the soil carbon pool stability showed a trend of first increase and then decrease.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-19
  • 最后修改日期:2024-02-23
  • 录用日期:2024-02-26