



Spatio-temporal Variations of Soil Conservation Service Founction and Matching of Supply and Demand in Changchun-Jilin-Tumen Region
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    [目的] 依据长吉图地区土壤保持服务功能时空变化及其供需匹配特征,辨别区域内不同土壤修复治理需求,为推进区域土壤生态环境保护有效落实提供科学依据。[方法] 利用InVEST模型,定量评估2000,2010,2020年3期长吉图地区各地市、县区的土壤保持服务功能,分析土壤保持服务供需及其时空变化匹配状态关系,以识别亟需采取针对性管理的优先区域并制定土壤整治策略。[结果] 2000-2020年长吉图土壤保持强度为0.00~2 590.42 t/km2,减少侵蚀服务功能为0.00~1 544.23 t/km2,泥沙持留服务功能为0.00~2 452.20 t/km2,区域间土壤保持服务水平差异显著,具有明显的时空分异特征;研究区供需匹配情况较平衡,未出现低供给高需求匹配类型;区域土壤保持服务供需变化匹配关系包括供需同增/供增需减可持续,供需同减/供减需增不可持续4种类型。亟需治理的不可持续区域比例逐年扩大,截至2020年分别为68.15 %(减少侵蚀),72.57 %(泥沙持留),集中于研究区东侧以及西侧的中间部分,土壤保持服务弱化显著。[结论] 长吉图地区土壤保持服务功能空间差异明显。确定长吉图地区中东部、东部尾端与西部区域为土壤敏感区、土壤脆弱区、土壤修复区,其土壤生态管理工作应分别以土壤整治、土壤保育、土壤修复为主。


    [Objective] Different soil remediation treatment needs in the Changchun-Jilin-Tumen region were determined and the characteristics of supply and demand were matched based on the spatio-temporal variations of soil conservation service founction in the region in order to provide a scientific basis for promoting the effective implementation of regional soil ecological protection.[Methods] The InVEST model was used to quantitatively assess the soil conservation service functions of cities and counties in the Changchun-Jilin-Tumen region in 2000, 2010, 2020. The relationship between the supply and demand of soil conservation services and their spatial and temporal changes were analyzed in order to identify the priority areas in need of targeted management and to formulate soil remediation strategies.[Results] From 2000 to 2020, the soil conservation intensity of the Changchun-Jilin-Tumen region ranged from 0.00 to 2 590.42 t/km2; the erosion reduction service function ranged from 0.00 to 1 544.23 t/km2, and the sediment retention service function ranged from 0.00 to 2 452.20 t/km2, with significant differences in soil conservation service levels between regions and obvious spatial and temporal differentiation characteristics. The supply and demand matching situation in the study area was relatively balanced, and there was no low supply and high demand matching type. There were four matching types between supply and demand of regional soil conservation services:Soil conservation services were sustainable when supply and demand increased simultaneously and when supply increased and demand decreased; Soil conservation services were not sustainable when both supply and demand decreased and demand increased while supply decreased. The proportion of unsustainable areas in need of treatment increased over time, accounting for 68.15 % (erosion reduction) and 72.57 % (sediment retention) by 2020, concentrated in the east and west parts of the study area. In the middle part of the study area, the soil retention service was significantly weakened.[Conclusion] In the study area, the spatio-temporal variations in soil conservation service founction were obvious, and the central-eastern part, eastern tail end, and western part of the Changchun-Jilin-Tumen region were identified as the soil sensitive area, soil fragile area, and soil restoration area, respectively. Soil ecological management work in these areas should focus on soil remediation, soil conservation, and soil restoration, respectively.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-05-21
  • 最后修改日期:2023-08-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-26