



Spatial-temporal Changes and Influencing Factors of Ecological Quality for Intelligent Mine Sites in Yongjing County, Gansu Province from 2009 to 2022
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    [目的] 矿山开采促进地方经济的同时,也深刻影响着其周边的生态环境质量。基于多源长时序遥感数据,监测并定量评估矿山及周边区域的生态状况,为绿色矿山建设与可持续发展服务,也为矿山区域的生态恢复治理起积极的示范作用。[方法] 以甘肃省永靖县智慧矿山及周边5 km范围区域为研究区,基于矿山2009-2022年间5期Landsat 系列卫星多光谱遥感影像,以及同期多幅高分系列卫星、Planet系列卫星等高分辨率遥感影像,监测识别矿区及其周边的重要地表变化和时间节点,并对该区域2009-2022年间生态质量时空分布格局、变化特征、影响因素等进行系统研究。[结果] ①甘肃省永靖县智慧矿山矿区的生态质量2009-2019年呈现持续降低,2019年后保持平稳的变化态势,矿区对周边区域生态质量的影响程度较小。②在永靖县矿区遥感生态指数的时序分析中,绿度、热度指标相较干度与湿度指标变化更为显著。③对废弃矿坑进行回填、平地、修整边坡等土地复垦的前期工作,可显著提高该区域的遥感生态指数值。[结论] 在绿色智慧矿山建设过程中,由于数字化、自动化、大型低污染设备的使用,地表作业向地下作业的转变等,可以有效解决矿区生态质量随着采矿时间推移持续下降的问题。同时对废弃矿坑进行回填、平地、修整边坡等土地复垦的前期工作,可显著提高矿区的地表生态质量。


    [Objective] While financial proceeds from mining can promote the local economy, mining also has a profound impact on the surrounding ecological environmental quality. The ecological status of mines and their surrounding areas were monitored and quantitatively evaluated based on multi-source and long time-series remote sensing data to serve for green mine construction and sustainable development, and also play a positive demonstration role with regard to ecological restoration and management of mine areas.[Methods] This study was conducted at intelligent mine sites and its surrounding area (within 5 km) in Yongjing County, Gansu Province. Multi-spectral remote sensing images acquired by the Landsat series of satellites for five periods from 2009 to 2022 were used with high-resolution remote sensing images from the high-resolution series satellites and the planet series satellites during the same period to monitor and identify the important surface changes and time nodes of the mine and its surrounding area. The spatial and temporal distribution pattern, variation characteristics, and influencing factors of ecological quality in this region during this time period were also systematically determined.[Results] ① The ecological quality of intelligent mine areas in Yongjing County continuously declined from 2009 to 2019, and the remained stable after 2019. The mining area had little impact on the ecological quality of the surrounding area. ② The spatial-temporal change analysis of the remote sensing ecological index for the mining areas at Yongjing County indicated that changes in greenness and heat indicators were more significant than changes in dryness and humidity indicators. ③ The preliminary work of backfilling, leveling, and trimming slopes for land reclamation at abandoned mine sites can significantly increase the remote sensing ecological index value.[Conclusion] In the process of constructing green intelligent mines, the use of digital, automated, and large-scale low pollution equipment, as well as the transition from surface operations to underground operations could effectively solve the problem of the continuous decline in ecological quality of mining areas. At the same time, land reclamation projects such as backfilling, leveling, and slope trimming of abandoned mines could significantly improve the earth’s surface ecological quality of the mining areas.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-02-27
  • 最后修改日期:2023-08-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-04-26