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    [目的] 探究甘肃省张掖市荒漠—绿洲过渡带不同类型植被群落物种组成、多样性特征,以及植物群落特征和土壤水分含量的关系,为该区水土保持效益评估提供科学依据。[方法] 选择不同类型荒漠植被,调查和测定了不同类型植被群落植物多样性和0—120 cm土壤水分含量。[结果] ①该区域共有6种植被类型,植被结构非常简单,物种组成以适生于干旱荒漠生境的红砂、合头藜、珍珠猪毛菜、三芒草、雾冰藜等耐旱、超耐旱的小灌木、半灌木、草本植物为主,植物群落为灌草群落类型,物种多样性指数较小。②土壤水分在垂直方向上的变化呈现“双峰形”,土壤湿度由表层向深层逐步升高,到20—40 cm处升到“第一个峰值”,40—60 cm处又降到了较低水平,到60—120 cm土壤湿度又逐步上升,直至120 cm处升高到“第2个峰值”。③各植物群落的植被高度、植被密度、植被盖度随土壤水分含量的升高而增高、增大,植被高度与40—120 cm土层土壤水分呈显著正相关,草本植物、灌木植物密度、植被盖度与其根系主要分布层的土壤水分含量呈显著正相关。[结论] 在0—20 cm表层土壤、40—80 cm深层土壤水分含量均不足2%的荒漠绿洲过渡带,适宜种植红砂、合头藜、白刺等旱生灌木和三芒草、刺沙蓬、雾冰藜、画眉草、猪毛蒿等草本植物;表层土壤、深层土壤水分含量均超过2%的荒漠地带,适宜种植红砂、珍珠猪毛菜等旱生灌木和冷蒿、内蒙古旱蒿、寸草等草本植物,能够有效促进生态恢复和重建。


    [Objective] The species composition and diversity characteristics of different types of vegetation communities along with the correlation between plant community characteristics and soil moisture content in the Zhangye desert-oasis transition zone in Gansu Province were analysed, in order to provide a scientific basis for the evaluation of water and soil conservation benefits in the region. [Methods] Different types of desert vegetation were chosen, and the diversity of different types of vegetation community plants and soil moisture content at 0—120 cm were investigated and determined. [Results] ① There were six vegetation types in this area, and the vegetation structure was very simple, and the species composition was dominated by drought-tolerant and super-drought-tolerant small shrubs, semi-shrubs and herbs such as Reaumuria songarica, Sympegma regelii, Salsola passerina, Aristida adscensionis, and Bassia dasyphylla that were suitable for arid desert habitats. The plant community was a shrub and grass community with a relatively small species diversity index. ② The change of soil moisture in the vertical direction presented a “double peak”, and the soil humidity gradually increased from the surface layer to the deeper layers; it increased to the “first peak” at 20—40 cm, decreased to a lower level at 40—60 cm, and gradually increased at 60—120 cm, until to the “second peak” at 120 cm. ③ The vegetation height, density, and cover of each plant community increased with increasing soil moisture content. Vegetation height was significantly positively correlated with soil moisture in the soil layer of 40—120 cm, and the density and vegetation cover of herbaceous plants and shrubs were significantly positively correlated with soil moisture content in the layer where their root systems were mainly distributed. [Conclusion] In the desert oasis transition zone where the moisture content of the surface soil (0—20 cm) and deep soil (40—80 cm) was less than 2%, it is appropriate to plant arid shrubs such as R. songarica, S. regelii, Nitraria tangutorum and other herbaceous plants such as A. adscensionis, Salsola tragus, B. dasyphylla, Eragrostis pilosa and Artemisia scoparia. In the desert zones where the moisture content of the surface soil and the deep soil is more than 2%, it is appropriate to plant arid shrubs such as R. songarica and S. passerina and herbaceous plants such as Artemisia frigida, Artemisia xerophytica, and Carex duriuscula, which are capable of effectively promoting ecological recovery and reconstruction.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-31
  • 最后修改日期:2024-03-21
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-04
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