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    [目的] 探明果园面源污染的来源、迁移特征及影响因素,为科学防控果园面源污染、改善土壤及水环境质量提供理论依据。[方法] 基于国内外最新研究成果,分析果园氮磷、重金属、农药等污染物来源、迁移特征及影响因素,剖析现有研究不足,提出未来研究方向。[结果] ①果园肥料氮施用强度〔565~1071.2 kg/(hm2·a)〕、氮磷流失系数总体高于农田,氮磷易在坡地果园坡底累积,在土壤中空间变异性高于农田和茶园。②在果园未被污水灌溉、周边无工业活动情况下,施用的肥料和农药及交通活动是果园土壤重金属的主要来源,重金属在土壤剖面迁移范围约在0.005~0.8 m。③果园苯并咪唑类、除虫菊酯类农药用量分别约为450~4 050 g/hm2,60~150 g/hm2,弱吸附性农药施用后受短期降雨影响大,中等吸附性农药受到降雨和蒸发双重影响,河流中农药含量呈现与降雨相关的季节性。④控制果园面源污染应优先处理初期径流,有效截留泥沙。林下生草可削减径流7.1%~98.7%,控制泥沙15.7%~99.8%,截留氮、磷分别为4.6%~98.5%和15.3%~96.6%,削减重金属18.8%~90.1%。⑤果园面源污染迁移特征与降雨时空分布一致,20%地表径流约输出50%以上污染负荷,极端降雨下果园径流系数、氮磷流失为普通降雨的2.6和11.5倍,降雨量、降雨强度是影响重金属和农药迁移的主要因素,在持续时间长,强度中等的降雨模式下,重金属和农药更容易下渗和往下游迁移。[结论] 国内果园精细化管理尚在起步阶段, 未来有待探明复杂因素影响下果园面源氮磷、重金属、农药等污染的迁移规律,精准识别面源污染影响时空范围与程度,科学阻控面源污染,在保障果品前提下有效减少面源污染流失,提升果园生态效益,降低环境风险。


    [Objective] The sources, migration characteristics, and influencing factors of non-point source pollution in orchards were analysed in order to provide theoretical support for scientifically aid in preventing and controlling non-point source pollution from orchards and improving the quality of soil and water environments. [Methods] Based on the latest research results (both domestically and abroad), the source, migration characteristics, and influencing factors of pollution by nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, and pesticides in orchards were analysed. Existing research deficiencies were analysed and future research directions were proposed. [Results] ① The application intensities of nitrogen fertiliser in orchards 〔565—1 071.2 kg/(hm2·a)〕 and loss coefficients of nitrogen and phosphorus were generally higher than those in farmland. Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulated easily at the bottom of the orchard slope, and their spatial variabilities in soil were higher than those in the farmland and tea gardens. ② When the orchards were not irrigated by sewage and industrial activities were absent, fertilisers, pesticides, and traffic activities were the main sources of heavy metals in the orchard soil, and the migration ranges of heavy metals in the soil profile were approximately 0.005—0.8 m. ③ The dosages of benzimidazole and pyrethroid pesticides in orchards were approximately 40—4 050 and 60—150 g/hm2, respectively. After application, weakly adsorbed pesticides were significantly affected by short-term rainfall, whereas moderately adsorbed pesticides were affected by rainfall and evaporation. The pesticide content in the river showed a seasonal correlation with rainfall. ④ To control non-point source pollution in orchards, the treatment of initial runoff must be prioritised to effectively intercept the sediment. Planting grasses under fruit trees can reduce runoff by 7.1%—98.7%, control sediments by 15.7%—99.8%, intercept nitrogen and phosphorus by 4.6%—98.5 and 15.3%—96.6%, respectively, and reduce heavy metals by 18.8%—90.1%. ⑤ The migration characteristics of non-point source pollution from orchards were consistent with the temporal and spatial distributions of rainfall. In particular, 20% of the surface runoff produced more than 50% of the pollution load. Under extreme rainfall, the runoff coefficients and loss loads of nitrogen and phosphorus in orchards were 2.6 and 11.5 fold higher than those under normal rainfall. Rainfall volume and intensity were the main factors affecting the migration of heavy metals and pesticides. Under rainfall with long duration and moderate intensity, heavy metals and pesticides were more likely to infiltrate and migrate downstream. [Conclusion] The management of orchards in China is still in its infancy. In the future, the migration laws of non-point source pollution, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals and pesticides, under the influence of complex factors must be explored, the spatiotemporal scope and degree of non-point source pollution should be accurately identified, and the loss of non-point source pollution should be effectively reduced to ensure the quality of fruits, improve the ecological benefits of orchards, and reduce environmental risks.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-21
  • 最后修改日期:2024-02-26
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-04
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