





“黄河中游水系格局与河流形态变化及水沙效应”(U2243201);三江源地区低盖度灌木林生态服务功能调查及研究项目(104-441123174 )

Report on Field Survey of Soil Erosion in Three-River-Source National Park

Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China;Survey and Research Project on the Ecological Service Function of Low Cover Shrubland Forests in the Sanjiangyuan Region

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    [目的]三江源地区地处青藏高原腹地,土壤侵蚀类型复杂多样。通过现场调查,旨在全面了解该区域的土壤侵蚀特征情况,为该区域今后水土流失防治提供参考。[方法]调查组在2023年7月25日~8月20日,分三组分别前往果洛州、玉树州、海南州和黄南州,对上述区域的林地、草地、农田、裸地、道路、河流岸坡、山区沟谷进行了调查和分析。[结果]调查显示,草地的土壤侵蚀类型最为复杂,受到风蚀、水蚀、冻融侵蚀和重力侵蚀等多营力侵蚀的共同作用,造成了其水土流失严重。此外,高原鼠害对草地破坏可能是草地侵蚀发生另一重要因素;乔木林地常在林下出现侵蚀细沟,但是由于工程护坡的作用下,发生侵蚀风险整体偏小;灌木林地所在坡面的坡脚处,受到水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀的影响较大,侵蚀风险较大;农田虽然分布面积较少,但是在田梗部分发生轻度的水蚀;对于裸地,细沟侵蚀较为剧烈,水土流失严重;值得注意的是,在道路两侧,边坡侵蚀较为严重,工程开挖导致草皮破坏,在重力的作用下发生滑塌,出现较大的裸露面,为水蚀的发生提供了条件,导致部分区域已经形成了较大的侵蚀沟网。 [结论] 青海省三江源区域土壤侵蚀类型复杂多样,随着人类活动的加剧,局部区域水土流失有进一步加剧的风险,亟需开展新时期的水土保持工作,需要在该区域加强土壤侵蚀基础研究,加强水土保持监测站网的布设,智能化管理等。


    Report on Field Survey of Soil Erosion in Three-River-Source National Park Abstract: [Purpose] The Three-Rivers-Source region is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, soil erosion types are complex and varied. Through the field investigation, we aim to comprehensively understand the characteristics of soil erosion in the region and to provide reference for soil erosion prevention and control in the region. [Methods] The investigation team travelled to Guoluo, Yushu, Hainan and Huangnan prefectures in three separate groups from 25 July to 20 August 2023. We have surveyed and analysed woodland, grassland, farmland, bare land, roads, river banks and mountain gullies in the above areas. [Results] The survey shows that the grassland has the most complex type of soil erosion, which is subjected to the joint action of multiple camp force erosion such as wind erosion, water erosion, freezing and thawing erosion and gravity erosion, resulting in its serious soil erosion. In addition, grassland damage by highland rodents may be another important factor in the occurrence of grassland erosion; The forestland has erosion gullies in the standing forest, but the overall risk of erosion is low due to the engineered slope protection; The foot of the slope on which the shrub land is situated is more exposed to hydraulic and gravitational erosion and is at greater risk of erosion; Farmland is spread over a small area, however, mild water erosion occurs in the field. For bare ground, fine gully erosion is more intense and soil erosion is serious. It is worth noting that on both sides of the road, the slopes are more severely eroded, and the excavation of the project has led to the destruction of the turf, sliding under gravity, and the emergence of larger exposed surfaces, which provide conditions for the occurrence of water erosion, leading to a larger network of erosion gullies that have already been formed in some areas. [Conclusion] Soil erosion in the Three-Rivers-Source region of Qinghai Province is complex and varied, with the intensification of human activities, risk of further exacerbation of soil erosion in localised areas. It is an urgent need to carry out soil and water conservation work in the new era, there is a need to strengthen the basic research on soil erosion in the region, strengthen the deployment of the network of soil and water conservation monitoring stations, intelligent management, etc. Keywords: Three-River-Source National Park; soil erosion; soil and water conservation; land use

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-03
  • 最后修改日期:2024-08-29
  • 录用日期:2024-08-30
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