






Study on the Single Root Tensile Mechanical Properties of Grass Felt Layer Slump Body in the Alpine Grassland in the source region of the Ngoring Lake

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    [目的]为明确鄂陵湖区草毡层草本植物多样性及滑塌体破坏防治措施,该项研究于鄂陵湖区进行草本植物多样性调查,并进一步开展优势草本植物根系单根抗拉力学特性试验研究,为定量评价鄂陵湖区草毡层草本植物单根抗拉力学特性指标、研究草毡层滑塌破坏机理提供理论依据。[方法]以研究区样方调查结果为依据,对区内优势草本植物开展单根拉伸试验;对比分析不同草本植物在不同根径级别条件下,单根抗拉力、单根抗拉强度、单根极限延伸率及单根弹性模量的差异性及其与根径之间的关系。[结果]研究区内优势草本植物为青藏薹草、多枝黄耆、冷蒿、早熟禾、弱小火绒草和短穗兔耳草。在根径范围为0.10~0.60 mm条件下,以上六种草本植物单根抗拉力和单根抗拉强度随着根径的增大分别呈幂函数增长和幂函数减小的趋势,单根极限延伸率和单根弹性模量与根径之间不存在显著性函数关系。综合考虑不同植物类型的单根抗拉伸力学特性指标、物种重要值与根系类型,在鄂陵湖地区,早熟禾的固土能力最好。[结论]研究区6种优势草本植物的根系均具备较好的固土潜能,其中早熟禾的固土能力最强,该研究结果可以为鄂陵湖区水土保持工程提供一定依据。


    [Objective] In order to clarify the diversity of herbaceous plants in the herbaceous felt layer in Ngoring Lake area, and the measures to prevent and control the damage of landslides, this study was conducted to investigate the diversity of herbaceous plants in Ngoring Lake area. On this basis, further carry out the experimental study on the single-root tensile strength characteristics of the root system of the dominant herbaceous plants, so as to provide theoretical basis for the quantitative evaluation of the indexes of single-root tensile strength characteristics of the herbaceous felt layer and the study of the destruction mechanism of the herbaceous felt layer slides in the Ngoring Lake area. [Methods] Based on the results of the sample survey in the study area, single-root tensile tests were carried out on the dominant herbaceous plants in the area; the differences in single-root tensile strength, single-root tensile strength, single-root ultimate elongation and single-root modulus of elasticity of the different herbaceous plants and their relationship with the root diameter were analysed comparatively in different root-diameter levels. [Results] The dominant herbaceous plants in the study area were Carex moorcroftii Falc. ex Boott, Astragalus polycladus Bur. et Franch., Artemisia frigida Willd., Poa annua L., Leontopodium pusillum (Beauverd) Hand.-Mazz. and Lagotis brachystachya Maxim. Under the condition of root diameter range of 0.10~0.60 mm, the single root tensile force and single root tensile strength of the above six herbaceous plants showed the trend of power function growth and power function decrease with the increase of root diameter, respectively, respectively, and there was no significant functional relationship between the single root ultimate elongation and single root elastic modulus and root diameter. Considering the mechanical property indexes of single root tensile resistance, species importance value and root type of different plant types, Poa annua L. had the best soil fixation capacity in Ngoring Lake area. [Conclusion] The root systems of the six dominant herbaceous plants in the study area have better soil-fixing potential, among which the Poa annua L. has the strongest soil-fixing ability, and the results of this study can provide a certain basis for the soil and water conservation project in the Ngoring Lake area.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-07-05
  • 最后修改日期:2024-08-23
  • 录用日期:2024-08-24
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