
1.中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司;2.西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室





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    [目的]模拟不同情景下土地利用变化对生态系统健康的影响,深入探讨土地利用变化和生态系统健康的协同机制,对于优化土地利用格局和可持续发展具有重要意义。[方法]本文基于VORS和GMMOP-PLUS模型厘清了青海省2005-2020年生态系统健康演变格局,并模拟出四种发展情景下土地利用变化对生态系统健康的影响程度。[结果] (1)2005—2020年间青海省生态系统健康均值由0.292下降至0.252,差和较差分布在柴达木盆地及外围市县,一般集中在青南高原和河湟谷地周围,生态系统健康较好和好区域主要分布在祁连山区、阿尼玛卿山和澜沧江流域。(2)基于GMMOP-PLUS模型通过设定不同自然和社会政策条件,模拟了2030年四种发展情景下(自然发展ND、生态保护EP、城镇发展UD和综合发展CD)土地利用的变化特征,建设用地均有不同程度增加,其中UD和CD情景中建设用地增幅为3.72万hm2,多由耕地和草地转换而来。EP情景下生态用地得到有效保护,林地和湿地面积占比最大达7.54%。(3)不同情景下生态系统健康指数大小为:EP(0.256)>CD(0.253)>ND(0.252)>UD(0.250)。除自然情景外,其余三种情景的生态系统服务均有明显提升,提升区域集中在柴达木盆地、格尔木市和治多县。[结论]2005-2020年柴达木盆地和青南高原西部植被覆盖水平和生态系统健康指数均有提升,但东部的河湟谷地、祁连山区及河流水系沿岸因人类活动带来的植被退化导致生态系统健康略微下降。根据模拟不同情景下土地利用变化可知,提升生态系统健康指数的关键在于控制耕地和建设用地的开发边界和速度,空间上做到集约化利用,促进未利用地向生态用地转变。


    [Objective]Simulating the impacts of land use change on ecosystem health under different scenarios, and deeply exploring the synergistic mechanism of land use change and ecosystem health are of great significance for optimizing land use pattern and sustainable development. [Methods] This paper clarifies the ecosystem health evolution pattern of Qinghai Province from 2005 to 2020 based on the VORS and GMMOP-PLUS models, and simulates the extent of the impacts of land use changes on ecosystem health under four development scenarios. [Results] (1) The mean value of ecosystem health in Qinghai Province decreased from 0.292 to 0.252 during 2005-2020, with poor and worse distribution in the Qaidam Basin and peripheral municipalities and counties, generally concentrated around the Qinghai-South Plateau and Huanghe Valley, and with better and better areas of ecosystem health mainly distributed in the Qilian Mountains area, the Animacine Mountains, and the Lancang River Basin. (2) Based on the GMMOP-PLUS model and by setting different natural and social policy conditions, the land use change characteristics of the four development scenarios (natural development ND, ecological protection EP, urban development UD and comprehensive development CD) in 2030 were simulated, and the construction land has been increased to varying degrees, among which the increase of construction land in the UD and CD scenarios is 37,200 hm2, which is mostly converted from cultivated land and grassland. Ecological land is effectively protected in the EP scenario, with forest land and wetland accounting for the largest proportion of 7.54%. (3) The size of the ecosystem health index under different scenarios is: EP(0.256) > CD (0.253) >ND (0.252) > UD (0.250). Except for the nature scenario, the ecosystem services of the other three scenarios were significantly enhanced, and the enhancement areas were concentrated in the Qaidam Basin, Golmud City and Zhiduo County.[Conclusion] The vegetation cover level and ecosystem health index of the Qaidam Basin and the western part of the Qinghai-Nanjing Plateau will increase from 2005 to 2020, but the ecosystem health of the Huangshang Valley, the Qilian Mountain area and the river system in the eastern part of the Plateau will slightly decrease due to the degradation of vegetation brought about by human activities. According to the simulation of land use changes under different scenarios, the key to improving the ecosystem health index lies in controlling the development speed and boundaries of arable land and construction land, spatially intensifying the use of land, and promoting the transformation of unutilized land into ecological land.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-19
  • 最后修改日期:2025-02-11
  • 录用日期:2025-02-13