


山西省科技重大专项计划“揭榜挂帅”项目“有机旱作农业技术体系构建与示范应用”(202101140601026); 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1901101)

Effect of organic fertilizer combined with water-retaining agents on soil hydraulic characteristics in topsoil layer of brown soil
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    [目的] 研究有机肥配施保水剂对褐土耕层土壤水力特性的改良效果,旨在探寻最适配施的有机肥施入量及保水剂最佳配施比例,为褐土高水效耕层构建提供技术途径和理论依据。[方法] 以山西省褐土耕层土壤为研究对象,采用裂区试验设计。以有机肥施用量为主区,设置F1(0 t/hm2),F2(45 t/hm2),F3(60 t/hm2)和F4(75 t/hm2)4个处理;以保水剂施用量为副区,设置B1(0 kg/hm2),B2(300 kg/hm2),B3(600 kg/hm2)和B4(900 kg/hm2)4个处理,探究有机肥和保水剂施用量对褐土耕层土壤水分特征曲线、比水容量值和有效水含量等水力特性的影响。[结果] ①与单施保水剂相比,有机肥配施保水剂处理土壤持水能力和供水能力均增强,有效含水量增加。②有机肥施入量不同,有机肥配施保水剂对土壤水力特性的改良效果不同。试验土壤低吸力段持水能力,供水能力及有效水含量均表现为:F3>F2>F4>F1。③F3处理下,随着保水剂配施比例的增加,土壤的持水能力与供水能力呈现先增加后降低的趋势;土壤有效水含量与保水剂配施比例呈抛物线关系(R2=0.949 3)。[结论] 中量有机肥(60 t/hm2)配施保水剂对褐土耕层土壤改良效果最好,此有机肥投入量下保水剂的最佳配施比例是0.91%。


    [Objective] The effect of combining organic fertilizer with a water retaining agent on the hydraulic properties of brown soil in the tillage layer was analyzed in order to provide a technical approach and theoretical basis that can be used to improve brown soil tillage by finding the optimal organic fertilizer application amount and the optimal water retaining agent ratio. [Methods] A brown soil topsoil from Shanxi Province and a split-plot experimental design were used for the experiment. The main plot treatments were the amount of organic fertilizer applied: F1 (0 t/hm2), F2 (45 t/hm2), F3 (60 t/hm2), and F4 (75 t/hm2), and the subplot treatments were four water-retaining agent applications: B1 (0 kg/hm2), B2 (300 kg/hm2), B3 (600 kg/hm2), and B4 (900 kg/hm2). The effects of the amount of organic fertilizer and water-retaining agent on the soil water characteristics curve, specific water capacity, and available water content were analyzed. [Results] ① Soil water-holding capacity, water-supply capacity, and the effective water content increased in the organic fertilizer combined with water-retaining agent treatments compared to the water-retaining agent alone treatments. ② The effects of organic fertilizer combined with a water-retaining agent on soil hydraulic properties varied depending on the amounts of organic fertilizer applied. The water-holding capacity and water-supplying capacity of the test soil at low suction section followed the order F3 > F2 > F4 > F1, and the same was true for the effective water content. ③ Under the F3 treatment, the water holding capacity and water supply capacity of the soil first increased and then decreased as the water retaining agent application rate increased. There was a parabolic relationship between the effective soil water content and water-retaining agent application ratio (R2=0.949 3). [Conclusion] The improvement effect was greatest under the treatments with a medium amount of organic fertilizer (60 t/hm2) combined with a water-retaining agent and the optimum proportion of water-retaining agent under this amount of organic fertilizer was 0.91%.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-09-24
  • 最后修改日期:2024-11-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22