


国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目“山地灾害形成机理与减灾”(41925030); 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(42201094); 四川省科技计划项目(2022NSFSC1070); 中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2023389); 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所科研项目(IMHE-ZDRW-08)

Debris flow regulation efficiency of S-shaped vegetation dams with different flow path width ratios
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    [目的] 研究不同流路宽度比例的S形植物坝对泥石流的调控效益,探究生物工程措施消能减灾的作用,为构建生态与岩土协同减灾模式提供理论基础。[方法] 分别从流速调节、流量调节、泥沙拦截和能量削减4个方面,对S形流路宽度比例分别为0%(S0),30%(S30),45%(S45),60%(S60),75%(S75)的植物坝开展了一系列的水槽试验。[结果] ①流路宽度比例为0%的植物坝(S0)对阵流型泥石流具有很好的拦截效果,流速削减31.03%~44.19%,流量削减45.88%~56.02%,能量削减34.37%~52.72%,泥沙拦截3.31%~75.69%; ②流路宽度比例为75%的植物坝(S75)对阵流型泥石流具有很好的排淤效果,流速削减7.69%~29.03%,流量削减12.94%~35.54%,能量削减11.56%~34.09%,泥沙拦截4.13%~45.69%; ③而流路宽度比例为45%的植物坝(S45),相较于S30,S60,对阵流型泥石流具有较好的拦排兼顾效果,流速削减11.11%~40.00%,流量削减16.47%~51.20%,能量削减18.04%~45.16%,泥沙拦截1.63%~54.75%。[结论] S形流路宽度比例为0%(S0)的植物坝适合布置于以拦截为主的泥石流沟道内;S形流路宽度比例为75%(S75)的植物坝适合布置于以排淤为主的泥石流沟道内;S形流路宽度比例为45%(S45)的植物坝更适合布置于以拦排结合为主的泥石流沟道内。


    [Objective] The regulatory effectiveness of S-shaped vegetation dams with varying flow path width ratios on debris flows were analyzed to explore the role of bioengineering measures in energy dissipation and disaster mitigation, in order to provide a theoretical foundation for constructing an eco-geotechnical synergistic disaster mitigation model. [Methods] Flume experiments were conducted on vegetation dams with S-shaped flow paths and width ratios of 0% (S0), 30% (S30), 45% (S45), 60% (S60), and 75% (S75). These tests focused on the flow velocity regulation, flow volume regulation, sediment control, and energy dissipation. [Results] ① The vegetation dam with a 0% flow path width ratio (S0) exhibited impressive debris flow interception capabilities, reducing 31.03%—44.19% of the flow velocity, 45.88%—56.02% of the flow volume, 34.37%—52.72% of energy dissipation levels, meanwhile, it also achieved an increase in sediment interception rate of 3.31%—75.69%. ② The vegetation dam with a 75% flow path width ratio (S75) showed strong sediment discharge capabilities, reducing 7.69%—29.03% of flow velocity, and 2.94%—35.54% of flow volume, and 11.56%—34.09% of energy dissipation levels, meanwhile, it also achieved and increase in sediment interception rafe of 4.13%—45.69%. ③ The vegetation dam with a 45% flow path width ratio (S45) demonstrated a balanced performance in interception and discharge compared to S30 and S60. It reduced 11.11%—40.00%, 16.47%—51.20%, 1.63%—54.75% of flow velocity, flow volume, and energy dissipation, respectively. The interception rate of the plant dam reached 18.04%—45.16%. [Conclusion] An S-shaped vegetation dam with a 0% flow path width ratio (S0) is ideal for debris-flow channels focused on interception. In contrast, a width ratio of 75%(S75) was better suited for channels that prioritize sediment discharge. The 45% width ratio (S45) effectively balances the interception and discharge.

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