



Nutrient loss characteristics in dump waste platform-slope systems under heavy rainfall
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    [目的] 探讨中国矿区排土场平台边坡系统土体养分流失的特征及过程,为排土场土壤养分流失防治等问题提供理论依据。[方法] 以辽宁省阜新市海州露天煤矿排土场为研究对象,通过相似模拟原理建立排土场平台—边坡系统室内模型,采用人工模拟降雨试验研究不同降雨强度(60,90,120 mm/h)条件下排土场平台—边坡系统土体养分流失的过程及特征。[结果] ①随着降雨强度的不断增大,排土场平台—边坡土壤氮、磷、钾养分浓度的变化状况均呈先降低,随后升高,又逐渐降低的趋势,总体趋势表现为:60 mm/h>90 mm/h>120 mm/h。②随着降雨强度的不断增大,排土场平台边坡土壤中各种径流养分流失量都增大,其中TN,TP,TK径流养分流失量均随雨强的增大而增大,而NO-3-N,NH+4-N,AP和AK径流养分流失量却随雨强的增大变化不明显。③排土场平台边坡土壤泥沙养分流失浓度均大于地表径流中的养分浓度;泥沙养分流失量均随降雨强度的增大而增大。④随着降雨强度的增大,土壤泥沙中全氮、全钾的养分富集率也随之增大,表现为:TN>TP>TK。[结论] 排土场平台—边坡系统土体形态特征复杂,其土壤养分流失浓度主要受降雨强度和土壤本身两个因素的共同影响。


    [Objective] The characteristics and processes of soil nutrient loss in the platform slope system of a discharge site in China’s mining area were analyzed in order to provide a theoretical basis for preventing and controlling nutrient loss at discharge sites. [Methods] Using the discharge site of the Haizhou open-pit coal mine in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, as the research object, an indoor model of the platform-slope system of the discharge site was established through the principle of a similar simulation, and an artificial rainfall simulation test was used to study the process and characteristics of nutrient loss from the platform-slope system of the discharge site under different rainfall intensities (60, 90, and 120 mm/h). [Results] ① With escalating rainfall intensity, the soil nutrient concentrations for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the dump waste platform-slope system exhibited a pattern of initial decline, subsequent rise, and then a gradual decrease, 60 mm/h > 90 mm/h > 120 mm/h for each intensity. ② The runoff nutrient loss from the platform slope soil increased with increasing rainfall intensity, notably for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total potassium (TK). However, the loss of nitrate (NO-3-N), ammonium (NH+4-N), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK) in runoff did not change significantly with increasing rainfall intensity. ③ The nutrient concentration in the soil sediment from the dump waste platform slope consistently exceeded that found in surface runoff, with sediment nutrient loss escalating as the rainfall intensity increased. ④ The enrichment ratio of total nitrogen and total potassium in soil sediment rose with greater rainfall intensity, expressed as TN > TP> TK. [Conclusion] The concentration of soil nutrients lost in the dump waste platform-slope system was predominantly influenced by rainfall intensity and soil characteristics.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-26
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