


国家自然科学基金项目“黄土高原湫沟沉积物DNA记录的近500年农牧活动与环境间交互胁迫和适应”(42167062); 湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目“冻融作用下黄土高原聚湫沉积关键层的地球化学示踪及机理研究”(22B0697); 青海省自然科学基金项目(2022-ZJ-920); 地理学应用特色学科资金(湘教通〔2022〕351号)

Characteristics of plant community composition in typical catchments of landslide- dammed reservoirs in gully regions on Central Loess Plateau
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    [目的] 分析典型流域的植物组成,评价黄土高原生态修复状况,为进一步采用植被恢复措施巩固水土治理效果提供科学指导。[方法] 基于黄土高原中南部高塬沟壑区合水(HS)聚湫流域和中北部丘陵沟壑区靖边(JB)聚湫流域,详细调查两个流域的现有的植被类型,鉴定表土孢粉组成,并分析表土的含水量、粒度、550 ℃烧失量等物理特征。[结果] HS聚湫流域存在84科230属植物,而JB聚湫流域则存在78科223属植物。但HS聚湫流域多见木本植物、喜湿型草本植物、禾本科植物,总比例为51.74%,而JB聚湫流域的旱生型灌木和草本植物更丰富,总比例高达56.50%,这是两地气候特征、土壤属性和土地利用方式等因素共同作用的结果。自“退耕还林(草)”工程实施以来,HS和JB聚湫流域高植被覆盖度面积比例分别提升至82.61%和37.80%,但也存在外来植物入侵、本地植物比例不高、人工栽种植物常见等问题。[结论] 黄土高原小流域生态修复需充分考虑当地气候环境和林草植物特性,进而形成可持续的植被恢复和演替。


    [Objective] The plant composition of typical catchment area of the Loess Plateau was analyzed to evaluate its ecological restoration status and provide scientific guidance for further implementation of vegetation restoration measures to improve the effectiveness of soil and water conservation. [Methods] Based on the Heshui (HS) and Jingbian (JB) landslide-dammed reservoir catchments located in the plateau-gully region of the southern central area and the hill-gully region of the northern central area of the Loess Plateau, respectively, comprehensive surveys were conducted to document the existing vegetation types, identify the pollen composition in the topsoil, and analyze the physical properties of the topsoil, including water content, grain size, and loss on ignition at 550 ℃. [Results] In total, 230 genera from 84 families were identified in the HS catchment, and 223 genera from 78 families were identified in the JB catchment. Nevertheless, there was a higher abundance of woody plants, moisture-loving grasses, and herbs around the HS catchment (51.74%), whereas xerophytic shrubs and herbs dominated around the JB catchment (56.50%). These patterns reflected a combination of climatic conditions, soil properties, land use conditions, and agricultural and economic development. In addition, the current high vegetation coverage area under the 'Grain for Green’ project accounted for 82.61% and 37.80% of the area around the HS and JB catchments, respectively. However, certain adverse phenomena, including invasive non-native plant species, a low proportion of indigenous flora, and a noticeable presence of artificial plants, have been observed. [Conclusion] To ensure sustainable vegetation regeneration, ecological restoration of small catchments in the Loess Plateau should fully consider the local climate and plant characteristics.

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