


国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目“雅江下游水电开发的水生态环境影响评估与调控”(2022YFC3205100); 中国长江电力股份有限公司科研项目(NBZZ202300162)

Spatiotemporal evolution analysis and attribute identification of land desertification in middle and upper reaches of Yarlung Zangbo River
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    [目的] 对雅鲁藏布江中上游流域土地沙化时空演变特征与归因进行分析和识别,为该区生态修复与保护、促进生态系统良性循环提供科学支撑。[方法] 本研究采用改进的基于植被—地表反射率—土壤湿度(NDVI-Albedo-Wet)三维空间的荒漠化差值指数方法,开展雅鲁藏布江中上游流域1990—2020年土地沙化时空演变的监测分析,在此基础上,分别采用主成分分析方法和地理探测器方法,从时序变化和空间分异两个方面进行土地沙化的归因识别。[结果] 雅鲁藏布江中上游流域沙化土地总面积由1990年的3.48×104 km2减少至2020年的1.67×104 km2,但部分区域沙化程度增强,集中在研究区西部的萨嘎县、吉隆县片区和东南部的康马县、琼结县等;空间分布上,研究区沙化土地呈现出“自西向东”沿干流河道带状分布的特点,且集中在微坡、缓坡地形以及草地和未利用地上。1990—2020年研究区土地沙化逆转主要受人类活动因子的影响,主成分因子贡献率约59.1%;而沙化土地的空间分异则从1990年的与高程和风速等自然地理要素相依性为主,转变为2020年的受自然及社会经济因素等多驱动因子的协同,且各驱动因子对沙化土地空间分布的影响力呈双因子增强和非线性增强。[结论] 雅鲁藏布江中上游流域土地沙化总体缓解的同时局部仍有加剧,建议进一步加强雅鲁藏布江源区生态修复与保护、加强河道左右岸10 km范围的沙源治理和植被培育。


    [Objective] The spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and attributes of land desertification in the middle and upper reaches of Yarlung Zangbo River were analyzed and identified to provide scientific support for ecological restoration and protection and promote a virtuous cycle of the ecosystem in this region. [Methods] An improved desertification difference index method based on the three-dimensional space of vegetation, surface reflectance, and soil moisture (NDVI-Albedo-Wet) were employed to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of land desertification in the research area during 1990—2020. On this basis, attribute analysis of land desertification was conducted from the perspectives of temporal changes and spatial differentiation using principal component analysis and geographical detector methods, respectively. [Results] The total area of land desertification decreased from 3.48×104 km2 in 1990 to 1.67×104 km2 in 2020; however, the degree of land desertification increased in certain areas, particularly in the western part of the study area, such as Saga and Jilong, and the southeastern parts, such as Kangma and Qiongjie County. The spatial distribution of land desertification exhibited a strip-like pattern along the main river channel from west to east, being concentrated on gentle slopes, moderate slopes, grasslands, and unused land. During 1990—2020, the reversal of land desertification in the study area was primarily influenced by human activities, with the principal contributing factors accounting for 59.1% of the total reversal. The spatial differentiation of land desertification shifted from dependence on natural geographical factors, such as elevation and wind speed, in 1990, to the synergistic influence of multiple factors, including natural and socioeconomic factors, in 2020, with the impact of various driving factors on the spatial distribution of land desertification exhibiting dual-factor enhancement and non-linear increase. [Conclusion] The degree of land desertification in the middle and upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River basin was alleviated between 1988 and 2020; however, local exacerbations persisted. Hence, further strengthening the ecological restoration of the source area and enhancing sand source management and vegetation cultivation within a 10 km radius of both the left and right banks of the river is necessary.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-07-05
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22