



Evaluation and optimization of soil and water conservation and crop value-added benefits after converting slope to terrace land in hilly areas of Southern China —A case study in Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province
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    [目的] 评估和优化南方山丘区小流域尺度上坡改梯工程的水土保持效益与作物增值经济效益,分析二者之间的权衡关系,为该区坡改梯工程的空间优化布局提供科学指导。[方法] 基于遥感和空间分析技术,识别丹江口市梯田的空间分布并划定小流域。结合中国土壤流失方程(CSLE)模型和实地调查,评估坡改梯工程中水土保持效益与作物产值提升之间的权衡关系,采用线性优化方法搜索多情景下坡改梯工程的最优空间布局。[结果] 丹江口市的梯田和坡耕地主要分布在中部以及北部的流域内,这些区域具备更高的水土保持效益及作物增值经济效益总量。对各小流域的空间优化分析的结果显示,在水土保持效益优先情景下坡改梯工程主要分布于西南部流域;而在作物增值效益优先情景下,坡改梯工程则更集中于中部流域。多情景的线性优化结果表明:水土保持效益优先与作物增值效益优先间存在显著权衡关系。各情景中最大的水土保持效益为:减少侵蚀量约3.21×106 t,此时作物增值经济效益约为1.78×108元;最大的作物增值经济效益约为1.87×108元时,水土保持效益仅为约3.01×106 t。非劣解可以反映二者的权衡关系。[结论] 通过线性优化方法合理配置流域内的坡改梯面积,能够显著提升水土保持效益和作物增值经济效益并缓解两者的权衡,为管理部门提供了一系列非劣解的空间优化方案。


    [Objective] The soil and water conservation benefits and the economic benefits of crop increments in terrace reclamation projects at the small watershed scale in the hilly areas of Southern China were evaluated and optimized, and the trade-off relationship between the conservation benefits and the economic benefits was analyzed in order to provide scientific guidance for the formulation of a spatial optimization layout for the Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. [Methods] Remote sensing and spatial analysis techniques were used to identify the spatial distribution of terraces in Danjiangkou City and delineate the small watersheds. The Chinese Soil Loss Equation (CSLE) model was combined with field investigations to evaluate the trade-off between soil and water conservation benefits and crop value added when slope cropland was converted to terrace cropland. A linear optimization method was used to determine the optimal spatial layout of the project under multiple scenarios. [Results] The terraces and slope croplands in Danjiangkou City were mainly distributed in the central and northern watersheds and they exhibited higher total benefits in terms of soil and water conservation and value-added economic benefits. The spatial optimization analysis of each small watershed indicated that under the soil and water conservation priority scenario, the changing slope cropland to terrace land project areas were primarily concentrated in the southwestern watershed, whereas under the crop value-added economic benefits priority scenario, the project areas were more heavily concentrated in the central watershed. The linear optimization results under the different scenarios showed a significant trade-off between the soil and water conservation priority and the crop value-added economic benefits priority. Under the different scenarios, the maximum soil and water conservation benefit was an approximately 3.21×106 t reduction in erosion with crop value-added economic benefits of approximately 1.78×108 yuan. The maximum crop value-added economic benefit result was approximately 1.87×108 yuan with soil and water conservation benefits reduced to approximately 3.01×106 t. The Pareto optimal solutions reflected the tradeoff between the two. [Conclusion] The spatial optimization methods used in this study quantified and optimized the trade-off relationship between water conservation benefits and the crop value-added economic benefits in projects where sloping land was converted to terrace land. The results provide a series of non-dominated solutions that can be used to aid government decision-making processes.

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