


国家自然科学基金项目“不同降雨情景下赣南花岗岩区崩岗侵蚀易发性空间预测研究”(42107489); 水利部重大科技项目“水土流失综合治理智能管理模型研发”(CKSD2022735/TB)

Risk evaluation of Benggang in Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province based on matrix discriminant method
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    [目的] 调查和研究江西省上犹县崩岗特征,并对其危险性进行评价,为该区崩岗治理优先级决策提供数据支撑和科学依据。[方法] 江西省上犹县为研究区,在全面调查崩岗及其危害特征的基础上,根据崩岗危险发生“三要素”原理,选择崩岗规模、发育状态等作为崩岗主体危险潜能指标,选择房屋、道路、耕园地等危害受体并结合危害距离作为危害程度指标,构建基于矩阵判别法的崩岗危险性评价指标体系,探讨基于矩阵判别法评价崩岗危险性的准确性。[结果] ①上犹县共有崩岗227个,其中已治理崩岗25个,未治理崩岗202个,发育状态以活跃型为主,规模以大型居多,形态类型以瓢形为主,崩岗危害对象以耕园地为主,危害距离以小于10 m为主。②上犹县内,无、小、中、大、极大5个危险等级的崩岗占崩岗数量的比例分别为47.5%,14.9%,15.8%,14.9%和6.9%,现场复核验证准确度达到80%。③在上犹县,大和极大危险等级的崩岗主要分布于营前镇与水岩乡,少部分位于梅水乡与黄埠镇,需优先治理。[结论] 矩阵判别法具有较好的准确性,且指标易获取,方法易操作,适用于对崩岗危险性的评价。


    [Objective] The distribution characteristics of Benggang in Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province was analyzed, and its risk was evaluated, so as to provide data support and scientific basis for priority decision-making of Benggang governance. [Methods] Shangyou County, Jiangxi Province was taken as the research area. Based on the comprehensive investigation of Benggang and its hazard characteristics, according to the principle of three elements of Benggang risk, the scale and development status of Benggang were selected as the main risk potential indicators of the main body of Benggang. Hazard receptors such as houses, roads, and farmland were selected and combined with the hazard distance as the hazard degree index. The risk evaluation index system of Benggang based on the matrix discriminant method was constructed to explore the accuracy of this method in evaluating the Benggang risk. [Results] ① There were 227 Benggang in Shangyou County, of which 25 had been controlled and 202 had not been controlled. The type of development status was mostly active, scale was mostly large, morphological type was mainly dipper, hazard object was mainly farmland, and hazard distance was mainly less than 10 m. ② In Shangyou County, the proportions of the five risk levels of no, small, medium, large, and great to the number of Benggang was 47.5%,14.9%,15.8%,14.9% and 6.9%, respectively, and the accuracy of on-site verification reached 80%. ③ The Benggang of large and extremely dangerous levels in Shangyou County was mainly distributed in Yingqian Town and Shuiyan Township, and a small part was located in Meishui Township and Huangbu Town, which needs priority treatment. [Conclusion] The matrix discriminant method proposed in this study is accurate and the indicators are easy to obtain. The method is easy to operate and is applicable to the evaluation of the risk of Benggang.

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