


河北省科学技术研究与发展计划项目“燕山北部山地典型森林生态系统碳汇功能及其对森林经营措施的响应”(10236728); 国家重点研发计划项目“水热变化对典型人工林不同林龄期木质部生长的影响”(2019YFF0303203)

Effects of afforestation on soil organic carbon density in forest-steppe ecotone of Northern Hebei Province
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    [目的] 探究人工造林对冀北林草交错带土壤有机碳密度(SOCD)的影响,为提升该地区陆地生态系统碳汇功能提供科学依据。[方法] 以御道口地区的樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)和华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)人工林为研究对象,以未造林地为对照,分析人工林与未造林地(按生物量由高到低分为未造林地Ⅰ、未造林地Ⅱ和未造林地Ⅲ共3种类型)之间、不同人工林之间土壤有机碳含量(SOC)和碳密度(SOCD)的差异。[结果] ①御道口地区未造林地土壤有机碳含量在2.54 ~60.57 g/kg,与植被生物量呈明显的正相关关系(p<0.001)。②相同林龄(16~20 a)华北落叶松人工林和樟子松人工林各土层土壤有机碳含量均明显高于未造林地Ⅱ和未造林地Ⅲ,低于未造林地Ⅰ(p<0.05),同时,华北落叶松人工林又明显高于樟子松人工林,且在0—10 cm土层有显著差异(p<0.05)。③土壤有机碳密度(0—60 cm)由高到低依次为:未造林地Ⅰ(127.56 t/hm2)>16~20 a华北落叶松人工林(105.26 t/hm2)>16~20 a樟子松人工林(75.52 t/hm2)>未造林地Ⅱ(56.06 t/hm2)>未造林地Ⅲ(31.78 t/hm2),除樟子松人工林与未造林地Ⅱ之间没有显著差异外(p>0.05),其他类型之间均存在显著差异(p<0.05)。④华北落叶松人工林土壤有机碳密度随林龄的增加而增加,不同林龄华北落叶松人工林土壤有机碳密度(0—60 cm)分别为105.26 t/hm2(16~20 a),112.29 t/hm2(21~25 a)和159.73 t/hm2(26~30 a);樟子松人工林则随着林龄的增加呈先下降后上升趋势,不同林龄樟子松人工林土壤有机碳密度(0—60 cm)分别为79.38 t/hm2(6~10 a),54.24 t/hm2(11~15 a),75.52 t/hm2(16~20 a)和82.24 t/hm2(>20 a)。[结论] 人工造林对土壤有机碳含量和碳密度的影响与初始条件和造林树种有关,在御道口地区,使用华北落叶松和樟子松在土壤有机碳含量较低地段进行造林能显著提高土壤有机碳含量和碳密度,华北落叶松较樟子松的提高效果更为显著。


    [Objective] The effect of afforestation on soil organic carbon density (SOCD) was studied to provide a scientific basis for improving the carbon sink of terrestrial ecosystems in the forest-steppe ecotone of Northern Hebei Province. [Methods] Scotch pines (Pinus Sylvestris var. mongolica) and larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii) plantations were selected as the research subjects in the Yudaokou area located in a forest-steppe ecotone. Unforested lands (including unforested land Ⅰ with high biomass, unforested land Ⅱ with medium biomass, and unforested land Ⅲ with low biomass) served as controls. The soil organic carbon (SOC ) content and soil organic carbon density (SOCD) of different terrestrial ecosystems were studied. [Results] ① The SOC content of unforested lands in Yudaokou area ranging from 2.54 to 60.57 g/kg were positively correlated with the vegetation biomass. ② At the same age (16—20 years), the SOC content in the L. principis-rupprechtii and P. Sylvestris var. mongolica plantations was significantly higher than that in unforested land Ⅱ and unforested land Ⅲ and lower than that in unforested land Ⅰ (p<0.05), and the SOC content in the L. principis-rupprechtii plantations was higher than that in the P. Sylvestris var. mongolica plantations, with a significant difference observed in the 0—10 cm soil layer (p<0.05). ③ The order of SOCD (0—60 cm) from high to low was unforested land Ⅰ (127.56 t/hm2)>L. principis-rupprechtii plantation(105.26 t/hm2)>P. Sylvestris var. mongolica plantation (75.52 t/hm2)> unforested land Ⅱ (56.06 t/hm2)> unforested land Ⅲ (31.78 t/hm2), and there were significant differences between the vegetation types (p<0.05) except that between P. Sylvestris var. mongolica plantations and unforested land Ⅱ (p>0.05). ④ The SOCD of 0—60 cm in the L. principis-rupprechtii plantations increased with the increase of the ages in all soil layer, and they were 105.26 t/hm2 (16~20 a), 112.29 t/hm2(21~25 a) and 159.73 t/hm2 (26~30 a), respectively; the SOCD of the P. Sylvestris var. mongolica plantations decreased first and then increased with the increase of the ages, and the SOCD of 0—60 cm soil depth was 79.38 t/hm2(6~10 a), 54.24 t/hm2(11~15 a), 75.52 t/hm2(16~20 a) and 82.24 t/hm2(>20 a), respectively. [Conclusion] The effect of afforestation on SOC content and storage depends on the initial conditions of forested land and the tree species; in Yudaokou area, afforestation using L. principis-rupprechtii and P. Sylvestris var. mongolica pine in places with lower SOC content can increase SOCD, and L. principis-rupprechtii can increase SOCD more than P. Sylvestris var. mongolica.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-15
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22