



Spatial and temporal changes and its driving factors of soil and water conservation services in Sanjiangyuan region during 2000—2020
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    [目的] 探究三江源地区水土保持服务时空变化及成因,为该地区环境保护及可持续发展提供科学依据与数据支撑。[方法] 基于NPP法定量评估2000—2020年三江源地区水土保持服务能力,并采用参数最优地理探测器对其进行驱动因素分析。[结果] ①2000—2020年,三江源地区的土地利用发生了一定的变化,耕地、草地、水域和建设用地面积不断扩大,林地和未利用地面积双双减小;三江源地区主要以草地为主,其次是水域和林地。20 a间植被覆盖度基本呈现平稳增加的趋势,整体呈“东高西低”的空间分布格局。②2000—2020年,三江源地区土保持服务能力指数呈现N形的变化趋势,但总体上呈现增加趋势,增速为26.13%,水土保持服务能力显著提高;水土保持服务能力分布较为一致,整体呈现“东高西低”的空间分布格局。2000—2020年三江源地区重心始终在玛沁县的西部,水土保持能力向西北方向增大且多方向外延,工程实施效果显著。③植被覆盖度、地均GDP、放牧强度对于水土保持服务影响较大。植被覆盖度与地均GDP、年平均降雨、放牧强度等多个因子交互作用解释力均较强。[结论] 三江源地区应继续实施天然林保护工程,开展森林保育和修复大力提升森林蓄积量;采取合理放牧、建设人工草地、围栏封育、补播等措施对生态进行保护。


    [Objective] The spatial-temporal changes and their causes of soil and water conservation services in the Sanjiangyuan region were explored in order to provide scientific evidence and data support for environmental protection measures and sustainable development in the area. [Methods] The soil and water conservation service capacity of the Sanjiangyuan region from 2000 to 2020 was quantitatively assessed using the net primary productivity (NPP) method and a driver factor analysis was performed using the optimal parameter geographical detector. [Results] ① From 2000 to 2020, land use in the Sanjiangyuan region underwent significant changes. The cultivated land, grassland, water bodies, and construction land continuously expanded, whereas the forest land and unused land areas decreased. The region is mainly dominated by grassland, followed by water bodies and forest land. Over the 20 year period, vegetation coverage showed a generally stable increasing trend with an overall spatial distribution pattern of “higher in the east and lower in the west.” ② From 2000 to 2020, the soil and water conservation service capacity index followed an N-shaped trend, but overall, the index had an increasing trend over the time period with a growth rate of 26.13%, indicating a significant improvement in the soil and water conservation service capacity. The distribution of the soil and water conservation service capacity was relatively consistent, displaying an overall “higher in the east and lower in the west” spatial distribution pattern. Throughout this period, the gravity center in the Sanjiangyuan region remained in the western part of Maqin County, with increased soil and water conservation capacity towards the northwest and multidirectional extension. This result indicated the engineering projects that had been implemented had significantly improved soil and water conservation service capacity. ③ Factors, such as vegetation coverage, GDP per unit area, and grazing intensity, had considerable impacts on soil and water conservation services and the interactions between vegetation coverage and GDP per unit area, average annual rainfall, grazing intensity, and other factors explained a considerable proportion of the change. [Conclusion] It is essential to continue implementing natural forest protection projects and promote forest conservation and restoration to significantly enhance the forest stock. Furthermore, measures, such as rational grazing, construction of artificial grasslands, fencing, and reseeding, should be adopted to protect ecosystems.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-01
  • 最后修改日期:2024-11-14
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22