


国家自然科学基金项目“砒砂岩区坡沟系统微地形—土壤—植被空间耦合机理研究”(32101591); 河南省科技攻关项目“黄河流域(河南段)水土资源时空耦合规律及多维优化调控机制研究”(232102321108)

Topographic gradient effect of land use change at arsenic sandstone area in Yellow River basin from 2000 to 2023
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    [目的] 探究黄河砒砂岩地区2000—2023年23 a间各地形因子对土地利用格局的梯度效应,为该区域植被恢复重建工作和土地利用优化调控提供理论指导。[方法] 运用遥感数据提取高程、坡度、地形位等重要地形因子,结合GIS定量分析,分析各地形因子对土地利用格局的梯度效应,探究土地利用类型的地形综合指数的分级演变。[结果] ①研究区土地利用类型以草地为主,2000—2023年林地、建设用地面积变化最为剧烈,耕地、未利用地次之,林地增加10.48 km2,建设用地面积增加295.40 km2,其来源多为耕地与草地;耕地、未利用地面积分别减少1 716.52和758.89 km2,草地增加548.12 km2。②研究区土地利用空间分布呈现鲜明的梯度性特征,耕地、建设用地以及未利用地的优势分布主要在低地形位区域;林地的主要优势区分布在高地形位;草地主要优势区分布集中在中、高地形位区域;水域优势分布区域在低、高地形位。③2000年土地利用程度综合指数最高为220.99,最低为205.69;2023年土地利用程度综合指数最高为230.17,最低为203.36;除1和2级地形位外,2023年土地利用程度综合指数均明显低于2000年,23 a来土地利用程度的变化与人类活动紧密相关。[结论] 2000—2023年黄河砒砂岩区地形梯度特征明显,土地利用类型在地形梯度上的时空变化显著。在充分考虑当地各地形因子的条件下,可以加强退耕还林、还草等政策实施、持续优化布局。


    [Objective] The gradient effects of different topographic factors on land-use patterns over 23 years from 2000 to 2023 at the arsenic sandstone area of the Yellow River were analyzed in order to provide theoretical guidance for vegetation restoration and land use optimization in this area. [Methods] Using remote sensing data to extract critical topographic factors, such as elevation, slope, and topographic position, and combining these with GIS-based quantitative analysis, the gradient effects of various topographic factors on land-use patterns were analyzed, and the graded evolution of land-use types according to a comprehensive topographic index was explored. [Results] ① Grassland was the dominant land use type in the study area, and from 2000 to 2023, the areas of forestland and construction land underwent the most significant change, followed by cultivated land and unused land. Forestland increased by 10.48 km2, whereas construction land increased by 295.40 km2, mainly from the cultivated land and grassland. The cultivated and unused land areas decreased by 1,716.52 km2 and 758.89 km2, respectively, while grassland increased by 548.12 km2. ② The spatial distribution of land use in the study area exhibited distinct gradient characteristics: cultivated land, construction land, and unused land were primarily distributed in low topographic positions, forestland was mainly located in high topographic positions, and grassland was concentrated in mid-to high-elevation areas. Meanwhile, the water bodies were predominantly found in both low and high topographic positions. ③ In 2000, the highest comprehensive land use index was 220.99, and the lowest was 205.69. By 2023, the highest index was 230.17, and the lowest was 203.36. Except for Levels 1 and 2, the comprehensive land use index in 2023 was significantly lower than that in 2000. Over the past 23 years, land use changes have been closely related to human activities. [Conclusion] From 2000 to 2023, the arsenic sandstone area of the Yellow River exhibited evident topographic gradient characteristics, with significant spatiotemporal changes in land-use types along the topographic gradient. Considering the influence of local topographic factors, it is advisable to strengthen the implementation of policies, such as returning farmland to forests and grasslands, and to optimizing the land use layout continuously.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-12
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22