


2022年度黑龙江省经济社会发展重点研究课题“黑龙江实现'幸福河湖’目标路径研究”(22241); 横向课题“黑龙江省牡丹江市林海水库工程林海水库水文预报与风险调控关键技术研究”(LHSK-KYHT02-2024)

Spatiotemporal differentiation of soil and water conservation ecological service function in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province
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    [目的] 基于生态优先视角构建牡丹江市水土保持生态服务功能组成,探究区域土壤保持、水土保持碳汇、水质净化能力的时空分异特征及权衡与协同关系,核算区域水土保持生态服务强度,为维持区域生态稳定、保障农业可持续发展、提升水文连通与水体质量等提供科学依据。[方法] 使用SWAT模型对牡丹江市进行主流域与子流域划分,考虑土地利用变化驱动下通过InVEST模型对2002,2012和2022年各流域水土保持生态服务功能(土壤保持、水土保持碳汇、水质净化)进行定量评价与时空变化分析,使用Geoda软件在格网尺度下对土壤保持等功能进行双变量空间自相关分析,研究各项服务功能间的权衡与协同及其时序变化,最终结合数值与权重核算牡丹江市水土保持生态服务强度,并利用地理探测器解释降水、DEM等因素对各项服务功能的贡献。[结果] 牡丹江市土壤保持与水土保持碳汇成协同关系,水质净化与水土保持碳汇、土壤保持均呈权衡关系,研究时段内区域水土保持生态服务强度各年均值为0.327 5,0.325 6和0.332 7,呈先微降后上升趋势。[结论] 牡丹江市水土保持生态服务功能较研究初期得到提升,绥芬河水系区域均值表现优于其他区域,牡丹江水系区域对总量贡献上最大,服务功能的时空分异特性受降水、地形、土地利用变化、植被覆盖等多因素影响。


    [Objective] The functional composition of the soil and water conservation ecological services in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China, was constructed from the perspective of ecological priority. The spatiotemporal differentiation characteristics, tradeoffs and synergies of regional soil conservation, carbon sink of soil and water conservation, and water purification capacity were explored, and the intensity of regional soil and water conservation ecological services was calculated, providing scientific basis for maintaining regional ecological stability, ensuring the sustainable development of agriculture, and improving hydrological connectivity and water quality. [Methods] The main watershed and sub-watershed of Mudanjiang City were divided using the SWAT model, and the soil and water conservation ecological service functions (soil conservation, carbon sink of soil and water conservation, and water quality purification) were quantitatively evaluated and analyzed in terms of space and time in each watershed for 2002, 2012, and 2022 using the InVEST model. The soil conservation function was analyzed using bivariate spatial autocorrelation analysis at the grid scale based on the Geoda software. We studied the tradeoff and synergistic relationships between the different service functions and their temporal changes and calculated the ecological service intensity of soil and water conservation in Mudanjiang City by combining numerical and weighting methods. The contributions of rainfall and the digital elevation model to each service function were explained using geographic detectors. [Results] The soil conservation and soil and water conservation carbon sink functions in Mudanjiang City exhibit a synergistic relationship, whereas the water quality purification function exhibits tradeoff relationships with both the soil and water conservation carbon sink and soil conservation functions. The average ecological service intensities of soil and water conservation in 2002, 2012, and 2022 were 0.327 5, 0.325 6, and 0.332 7, respectively, showing a slight decrease followed by an increase. [Conclusion] The soil and water conservation ecological service functions in Mudanjiang City improved compared to the case in the initial study period, with the average value in Suifenhe River basin being better than those in other regions and Mudanjiang River basin contributing the most to the total. The spatiotemporal heterogeneity characteristics of the service functions are affected by precipitation, topography, land use change, and vegetation coverage.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-08
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-17
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-22