国家自然科学基金项目“金沙江流域干热河谷地区植物固土效应研究”(32060368),“滇西北高原湿地面山的根系固土机制研究”(31700635); 第十七届学生科技创新创业行动项目(2024N092); 云南农业大学科研基金启动项目(KY2018-59); 云南省“兴滇英才支持计划项目”青年人才培养计划项目(XDYC-QNRC-2022-0225)
[目的] 基于文献计量学探究植物固土领域的研究热点和趋势,为该领域研究现状和发展提供参考和指导。[方法] 以中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WoS)数据库为数据来源,利用VOSviewer和CiteSpace相结合方式对1993—2023年植物固土领域发文量、国家、机构、研究人员、关键词进行可视化分析。[结果] ①发文量呈现出缓慢增长后持续性快速增长,发文量CNKI近年趋于稳定而WoS爆发增长。②中国是研究植物固土产出最多的国家,但研究质量仍有提升空间,北京林业大学、云南农业大学、内蒙古农业大学这3家机构是植物固土领域的主要机构,合作发文呈现团队机构内合作紧密,但机构外合作较为缺乏。③植物固土领域围绕着边坡稳定性、根系力学、根土抗剪方面开展研究,突现词分析可知,WoS以水土流失预测、黄土高原、机械性能,CNKI以根系形态、消落带、力学特性、自修复以及生态修复为近3 a研究热点。[结论] 中国是该领域研究产出最多的国家,但其研究质量和团队机构间的合作交流仍有提升空间,研究植物类型多为草本植物且研究周期较短,未来应加深对其他植物类型和周期的研究,同时研究的生态脆弱地区目前仍旧单一,今后仍需扩大研究区的范围。
[Objective] Based on bibliometrics, research hotspots and trends in the field of plant-soil reinforcement were explored to provide a reference and guidance for the research status and development in this field. [Methods] Using the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) and Web of Science (WoS) databases as data sources, a combined approach using VOSviewer and CiteSpace was employed for the visual analysis of publication volumes, countries, institutions, researchers, and keywords in the field of plant-soil reinforcement from 1993 to 2023. [Results] ① The volume of publications showed a slow increase followed by a sustained rapid growth, with the publication volume in CNKI stabilizing in recent years while that in WoS surged. ② China has produced the most research results on plant-soil reinforcement, but there was still room for improvement in research quality. Beijing Forestry University, Yunnan Agricultural University, and Inner Mongolia Agricultural University were the three major institutions in the field of plant-soil reinforcement. While the collaborative publication of literature showed that the team has close cooperation within the institution it lacks cooperation outside the institution. ③ Research in the field of plant-soil reinforcement focused on slope stability, root mechanics, and root-soil shear resistance. Keyword analysis showed that WoS emphasized erosion prediction, the Loess Plateau, and mechanical properties, whereas CNKI highlighted root morphology, drawdown zones, mechanical characteristics, self-repair, and ecological restoration as research hotspots over the past three years. [Conclusion] China has the highest research output in this field; however, there is room for improvement in research quality and collaboration among teams and institutions. Most studies have focused on herbaceous plants and have had relatively short durations. Future research should deepen the study of other plant types and longer durations. In addition, research on ecologically vulnerable areas remains limited, indicating the need to expand the scope of future research.
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