



Coupling coordination relationship between soil and water conservation policy, agricultural eco-efficiency, and its driving factors
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    [目的] 探究水土保持政策与农业生态效率耦合协调关系及其驱动要素,为深入理解水土保持政策与农业生态效率之间的协调关系提供新的视角和思路。[方法] 以三峡库区(重庆段)作为研究区,建立水土保持政策强度与农业生态效率评价指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型、地理探测器模型以及最小二乘法(OLS)回归分析2015—2022年区域内水土保持政策与农业生态效率耦合关系及其驱动机制。[结果] ①三峡库区(重庆段)内部各区域在政策强度与生态效率方面存在显著差异,方山丘陵和平行岭谷保土人居环境维护区在政策实施上表现出较强的增长势头,而其余区域则相对平稳;都市山水人居环境维护区农业生态效率表现优异,武陵山山地水源涵养保土区则相对较低,呈现出明显的两极分化趋势。②水土保持政策与农业生态效率之间的耦合协调度整体呈现上升趋势,都市山水人居环境维护区和方山丘陵保土人居环境维护区的协调程度尤为突出。然而,渝中平行岭谷保土人居环境维护区中的开州区则存在显著的失调现象。③农田水利设施投入有助于提升两者协调水平,合理控制播种面积也可以更积极地影响水土保持政策与农业生态效率之间的协调关系,经过反事实检验也进一步证实其回归结果的稳健性。[结论] 三峡库区(重庆段)为有效维护水土资源和农业生态安全,应坚持因地治理、区域联动的原则,积极引导社会各方参与形成治理合力,共同推动扶贫、保土、助农相结合的多元化帮扶模式发展。


    [Objective] The coupling and coordination relationship between soil and water conservation policy and agricultural eco-efficiency, and its driving factors were analyzed to provide a new perspective and thinking for further understanding of the coordination relationship between soil and water conservation policy and agricultural eco-efficiency. [Methods] An evaluation index system for soil and water conservation policy intensity and agricultural eco-efficiency was established using the Three Gorges reservoir (Chongqing section) as the research area. The coupling coordination degree model, geographical detector model, and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression were used to analyze the coupling relationship between the soil and water conservation policy and agricultural eco-efficiency, and its driving mechanism in the region from 2015 to 2022. [Results] ① There were significant differences in policy intensity and ecological efficiency among regions in the Three Gorges reservoir area (Chongqing section). The maintenance area of soil-conserving human settlements in the Fangshan Hills and parallel ridges and valleys showed strong growth momentum during policy implementation, whereas the rest of the region was relatively stable. The agricultural ecological efficiency of the urban landscape living environment maintenance area was excellent, whereas that of the Wuling Mountain water and soil conservation areas was relatively low, showing an obvious polarization trend. ② The degree of coupling coordination between soil and water conservation policies and agricultural ecological efficiency showed an overall upward trend, and the coordination degree of the urban landscape human settlement environment maintenance area and the Fangshan hilly soil conservation human settlement environment maintenance area was particularly prominent. However, there was a significant imbalance of that in Kaizhou District in the areas of soil conservation and human settlement in the parallel ridge valley of Yuzhong. ③ The input of farmland water conservation facilities was helpful in improving the coordination level, and reasonable control of the planting area could also more positively affect the coordination relationship between the soil and water conservation policy and agricultural ecological efficiency. The robustness of the regression results is confirmed using a counterfactual test. [Conclusion] To effectively maintain soil and water resources and agricultural ecological security, the Three Gorges reservoir area (Chongqing section) should adhere to the principles of local governance and regional linkages, actively guide all parties in society to participate in the formation of governance synergy, and jointly promote the development of a diversified support model combining poverty alleviation, soil conservation, and agricultural assistance.

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