Abstract:In the Yangtze River Valley, the water energy resources is plentiful in its upper reaches and branch streams, but specifically rare in the lower reach regions, So, Sichuan Province, located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, is rich in water energy resources too, but the power shortage is still severe at present. To solve the intense contradiction, we must make the following things well:first, to combine the economy development in the east with the exploitation of energy resources in the west closely in order to make them interdependent, intersupport, interpromotion and advance with same path; second, to act according to the principle of system engineering such as upper reaches is prior to lower reaches and branch streams to trunk streams, and not vice versa; third, to exploite the water energy resources on the upper reaches and branch streams in the first place to enable the old liberated, the minority nationality, the border and the poverty-stricken areas in the vast. west China to take off the poor and get the rich and to become a strategic rear; fourth, to pay close attention to build the water storage projects on the upper reaches and branch streams of the Yangtze River to impel tapping all available potentialities and renovating the present water power stations for the urgent problems of power shortage in winter in whole valley and its neighbour areas to be solved.