Abstract:Soil loss on upper reaches of Banqiao reservior was highly serious.After the dam had been constructed the soil loss there was not harnessed, the management of the dam has been disappointing. When reportabout dangerous situation of the dam was reported to the departmentsin charge of water conservancy the bureaucrats disdain to pay attention.In the August, 1975, facing a flood people in charge were beingfrightened out of their wits,having no way to counter with,the dam wascollapsed unfortunstly, which created an unprecedented disaster by human being,several hundred thousands persons were killed. More than tenyears have passed since the occuring of the disaster, the scense of baremountain and hill seen just as it was before, but soil loss is getting greater, meanwhile, huge amount of cost is poured to build dam on the old site. The history is hard, if it went along the old routine, the Banqiaoreservoir will collapse certainly. A reservoir in Sichuan Province hadbeen collapsed for five times after building for five times, 13 sets ofdams of Yunnan Province were broken down in a time in 1985,a recentburst of a great dam in Shanxi Province destroyed 18 villages, submerged 300 or more villages. The number of 90 dams collapsing every year,announced in former years, might have been topped now. It is said thatwaterconservancy projects can change into water disaster projects. if thesoil and water conservation is neglected.