Abstract:The further harnessing based on the soil and water consemation means to further harness, protect, develop, and use the soil and water resources that had been harnessed. The sustainable harne-ssing means the sustamable harnessing process by following the sustainable development theory. These practices should focus on keeping the biocliver-sity, harnessing thefamyard environment, establishing techni-que service network, and adjusting the structure of the land use according to the sustainable, economic, and comprehensive rules, which can promote the development of the soil and water conservation by the innovation of the system and technique. Based on these approaches, the strategies on harnessing the loess plateau were developed, which is to grow the crops on the flat land by the aver; to plant the grass on the hill, and plant thefruit trees on the terrace; trap the sediment and the water in the channeh and close the hills or rotate the grazing on the hi1Ls.