Abstract:Changting county is the region in Fujian Province which most seriously affected by soil and water loss.Soil and water loss dynamics is studied with SPOT data of 2000 and 2003.It was observed that soil and water loss occurs mainly in the mid to low hill area around the center of Hetian town,and decreases rapidly to wards the mountains.Eighty-seven percent of soil and water loss occurs at elevations of 200 to 500 meters.Over the last 4 years,the area and intensity of soil and water loss has decreased,especially in Hetian town,but severe loss has diffused from around the center of the town to surrounding areas.The declining soil and water loss is caused form several years of sound management work,including vegetation protection.However,lack of soil and water conservation measures under current development and construction projects,and agriculture expansion into steeper areas,is generating new soil and water loss.The net effect is an ongoing,serious soil and water loss problem,which will continue to be difficult to manage.Thus,management measures must