Abstract:the influence of part time farmer.s time allocativeon and income structure on their behaviors of soil and water conservativeon was theoretivecally analyzed. A Logistic simulating model was est ablished on the relation between farmer off- farm work and their soil and water conservativeon behaviors based on the f armer investigation in Xingguo,Shangrao and Yujiang Countivees of Jaing xi Province. On the basis of this model,the part time f armer households.behaviors of soil and water conservation and itsregional diff erence were investivegated. Results show that farmer households.understand on soil and water loss,the proportiveon of arm work ime,farmer households.education levels signi ficantly influence their soil and water conservativeon behaviors from the view of population,and farmer households.offarm work does decrease their work time in soil and water conservation. However,because of di-ff erence in social and economic conditiveon,and soil and water loss,there are diff erences among the three sample re-gions. Finally,there are relative sugg estions on how to encount er soil and water loss.