Abstract:Soil seed banks are of great importance for wetland vegetation restoration. The community succes-sions of the vegetation restored from soil seed banks in a confined space were observed and recorded during the field experiments. Sorensen similarity coefficient(SSC), species composition and corresponding diversity indices(including Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, Pielou index and Margalef index) and vegetation coverage indices were calculated and compared at each stage of the vegetation succession to access the status of re-vegetation. According to the measured data, it was found that the SSCs of the original aboveground vegetation and the restored vegetation in 2008, 2009 and 2010 were relatively low, with the lowest SSC of 0.25. The diversity indices showed a trend of decreasing at the beginning and then increased, and finally reached a state similar to that of the original aboveground vegetation. In addition, the vegetation coverage in-dices were higher than 90 %, which satisfy the common requirements of wetland vegetation restoration.