Correlation Between Particle Size Distribution, Nutrient and Heavy Metals Content of Topsoil in Ningdong Energy Industrial Base and Atmospheric Dustfall

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    [Objective] The relationships between nutrients and heavy metal content of soil and atmospheric dustfall in Ningdong energy industrial base were studied in order to provide a scientific support for soil utilization and environmental protection in this area. [Methods] To examine the distribution characteristics and the potential ecological risk of heavy metals in both topsoil and atmospheric dustfall, soil and atmospheric dustfall samples of different distances in the leeward of near Maliantai thermal power plant in Ningdong energy industrial base were collected. The contents of 6 kinds of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni) in the both topsoil and atmospheric dustfall samples were measured in the laboratory. The comprehensive potential ecological risk of these heavy metals was evaluated using the potential ecological risk index, and the fractal dimensions of soils, and their relevance with that of atmospheric dustfall were also analyzed. [Results] ① the composition of atmospheric dustfall was complex, which included the dustfalls of natural resources and artificial resources. The dustfall of natural resources was mainly from domestic sand dust, and the main components of which were Quartz, Calcite, Plagioclase, Chlorite and Kaolinite, etc. The dustfall of artificial resources was mainly from flue gas, and the main components of which were related to Ag, Co, Mn, Cr, Pb, As, Cu, Silicon disulfide and some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAs), etc. ② The particle size distribution curves of atmospheric dustfall and topsoil demonstrated abnormal and bimodal and multi-peak distribution status at various distances, which indicated that the compositions of atmospheric dustfall and topsoil were from multiple sources. ③ The comprehensive potential ecological risk index of both atmospheric dustfall and topsoil indicated that the index of atmospheric dustfall increased with the distance from source of pollution, while the index of topsoil decreased with the distance increasing from thermal power plant. Pearson correlation coefficients showed that Cr and Cu in the atmospheric dustfall were positively related to the Cr and Cu in soil. ④ Nutrients carried by atmospheric dustfall deposited into the topsoil changed soil nutrients supply, of which the soil organic matter was the most significant. [Conclusion] The composition of atmospheric dustfall was complex, which significantly changed the soil constitution, and increased the potential ecological risk index. Though, the correlation of particle size distribution, nutrient and heavy metals content between the topsoil and atmospheric dustfall were relatively weak, the cumulative effect deserved more attention in the future.

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  • Received:March 22,2020
  • Revised:April 26,2020
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  • Online: September 16,2020
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