Effects of Biocrusts on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Slope Flow in Hilly Regions of Loess Plateau
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    [Objective] The effects of biological soil crusts (biocrusts) on the hydrodynamic characteristics of slope flow were investigated in order to provide theoretical guidance for the study of biocrusts anti-erosive mechanism in hilly regions of the Loess Plateau. [Methods] The treatments of biocrusts coverage and destruction were set, and the artificial rainfall simulation experiments were conducted in this study. [Results] ① The slope flow of biocrusts coverage and destruction treatments was the laminar jet stream. ②The biocrusts coverage significantly reduced slope velocity, whereas increased shear stress, resistance coefficient, and stream power (p<0.05). Compared with the bare land, the slope velocity of algal crust and moss crust treatment decreased by 48.74% and 62.24%. The shear force, resistance coefficient, and stream power increased by 130.01% and 308.07%, 703.35% and 2532.01%, 21.16% and 57.43%, respectively. ③ Compared with the bare land, the resistance coefficient was no significant difference after the biocrusts were destroyed, whereas the flow velocity, shear stress, and stream power were significantly higher than the bare land (p<0.05). The slope velocity, shear stress, and stream power of the algae crust and moss crust treatments increased by 10.84% and 16.46%, 36.8% and 42.44%, 60.8 and 62.14%, respectively. [Conclusion] The biocrusts coverage increased slope flow resistance coefficient and decreased flow velocity. After the biocrusts were destroyed, the slope flow resistance coefficient was no different from the bare land, but the flow velocity increased. Furthermore, the biocrusts coverage and destruction treatment increased shear force and stream power of the slope flow, thereby increasing the runoff erosion energy.

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  • Received:August 14,2021
  • Revised:October 26,2021
  • Online: May 26,2022