Impacts of Land Use Change on Ecological Service Value of Land Surrounding Shaoshan City
Clc Number:

F301.2, X171.1

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    [Objective] The change of land use and ecological service value in Shaoshan City, Hunan Province was analyzed to discusse the impacts of land use change on the surrounding land ecological service value, in order to provide a scientific reference for the related research of land use change and ecological service value, and to determine an ecological service value evaluation system. [Methods] Using remote sensing images in 1985 and 2020, land use data were extracted by remote sensing interpretation. Based on the basic definition of ecosystem service, land use change and the relationship between land ecosystem service value were comprehensively considered. A related concept was put forward and a remote correlation model was built. The surrounding land ecosystem service value following land use change was discussed. [Results] ① Land use conversion mainly occurred between forest land, cropland, and grassland, and the land dynamic attitude of forest land was the largest (about 3%). ② The value of ecosystem services in Shaoshan City increased year by year from 1.266 billion yuan in 1985 to 2.201 billion yuan in 2020, and the contribution rate of forest land to the ecosystem services value was 70%. ③ During the study period, the remote correlation added value of land use change to the surrounding land ecosystem service value was 467 million yuan. The impact of land use change on the value of surrounding land ecosystem services decreased with increasing distance, until a critical distance was reached, and the critical distance varied with different land types. When land use type was converted to water body, the critical distance was the largest, about 100 patches (land type conversion area). [Conclusion] In the future, the impact of land use change on surrounding land should be comprehensively considered in land planning so as to formulate reasonable land use policy, optimize land use structure, and realize the coordinated development of economy and environment in Shaoshan City.

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  • Received:October 11,2021
  • Revised:November 26,2021
  • Online: May 26,2022