Soil Moisture Content and Nutrient Distribution Under Four Alpine Vegetation Types in Qilian Mountains
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    [Objective] The distribution characteristics of soil nutrients and soil moisture content (SMC) in the Qilian Mountains were explored in order to provide references for soil and water conservation and ecological vegetation restoration in this area.[Methods] Four alpine vegetation types (alpine meadow, alpine shrub, temperate steppe, and temperate desert) were studied. The distribution characteristics of soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and SMC at different soil depths and four slope directions under the four vegetation types were analyzed through field investigation, laboratory experiments, and mathematical statistics, and their correlations with air temperature and annual cumulative rainfall were analyzed.[Results] ① SOM in the study area was 1.85~190.31 mg/g; TN was 0.07~7.99 mg/g; TP was 0.24~1.81 mg/g; and SMC was 0.79%~3.21%. ② The differences in SOM, TN, TP, and SMC content were mainly affected by differences in vegetation types. Soil moisture content of different vegetation types followed the order of alpine meadow > alpine shrub > temperate grassland > temperate desert. TN followed the order of alpine shrub > alpine meadow > temperate grassland > temperate desert. TP contents followed the order of temperate grassland > alpine meadow > alpine shrub > temperate desert. Regarding the four slope directions, TP content was the highest on the semi-shady slope and the lowest on the sunny slope. The contents of SOM, TN, and SMC were the highest on the semi-sunny slope. ③ SOM, TN, TP, and SMC were significantly positively correlated with annual cumulative rainfall (p<0.01). SOM and SMC were significantly negatively correlated with annual average temperature (p<0.01). TN was significantly negatively correlated with annual average temperature (p<0.05).[Conclusion] The implementation of soil and water conservation and ecological vegetation restoration measures in the Qilian Mountains can be considered for semi-sunny slope, alpine meadow areas. For alpine shrub and meadow areas, the beneficial cycle of ecosystem materials appropriate to local conditions should be promoted.

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  • Received:August 23,2021
  • Revised:January 02,2022
  • Online: August 02,2022