Soil Erosion Characteristics of Sugarcane-Growing Watershed Based on RUSLE
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    [Objective] The soil erosion status and the relationships between soil erosion intensity and different slope and land use types in a small watershed of an intensive sugarcane-growing area with a typical lateritic soil were investigated in order to provide a theoretical reference for soil erosion control in this area of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.[Methods] With the support of GIS spatial analysis technology, the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) was used to quantitatively estimate soil loss.[Results] ① The Nala watershed slope ranged between 0° and 35°, and the slope farmland (sugarcane) and forest land (eucalyptus) accounted for 82.85% and 10.99%, respectively, of the total land use area, while roads and channels accounted for 6.16%. The average soil erosion rate of the Nala watershed in 2020 was 22.97 t/(ha·yr) (classified as mild erosion), and this rate was 4.6 times of the allowable soil loss rate of 5 t/(ha·yr) stipulated by the ministry of Water Resources for the southern red soil hilly region. ② Soil erosion mainly occurred on slopes ranging from 5° to 25°, and areas with slopes in this range were the key areas to target for the prevention and control of soil erosion. ③ Among different land use types, the average erosion rate of forest land (eucalyptus) was 53.59 t/(ha·yr), which was 2.84, 2.12, and 27.91 times of the erosion rate of slope farmland (sugarcane), roads, and channels, respectively.[Conclusion] The RUSLE model can be used to estimate soil erosion and soil erosion intensity distribution characteristics of different slopes and land use types in sugarcane-growing areas by inputting relevant parameters and processing data with software. Land use types such as slope farmland (sugarcane), forest land (eucalyptus), and roads should be properly planned and managed so as to take targeted and effective soil and water conservation measures.

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  • Received:October 24,2021
  • Revised:January 06,2022
  • Online: August 02,2022