Coupling Coordination and Influencing Factors of Urbanization and Rural Revitalization in Nine Border Provinces of China
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    [Objective] The coordinated development relationship and influencing factors of the two strategic systems of urbanization and rural revitalization in nine Chinese border provinces were analyzed in order to provide a scientific basis for coordinating urban and rural development in border areas and promoting homeland security.[Methods] A comprehensive evaluation system of indicators for urbanization and rural revitalization was constructed, and a coupled coordination degree model and a gray correlation degree model were used to analyze the coupled coordination relationship and influencing factors of two systems in the nine border provinces of China from 2008-2018.[Results] ① The urbanization index of China's border areas from 2008-2018 showed a fluctuating upward trend, and overall land urbanization was higher than population urbanization. ② The overall index of rural revitalization increased from 0.273 in 2008 to 0.756 in 2018. Urban-rural coordination in the border area was vigorously promoted, and the provincial-rural development gap has narrowed over time. ③ The degree of coordination between urbanization and rural revitalization had changed from moderate coordination to high coordination, and the nine border provinces were classified as either optimization and enhancement type, adjustment and progress type, or key breakthrough type according to the degree of coordination of the two systems. ④ The coordinated development of the two systems of urbanization and rural revitalization in the nine border provinces of China was the result of the intertwined and coupled effects of different internal and external forces. Governmental decisions played a key guiding role, interconnection played a "catalyst" role, industrial structure provided an important endogenous "blood-making" role. Government decisions played a key guiding role, connectivity played a "catalyst" role, industrial structure provided an important endogenous "blood" force, and economic development and population migration had an external "blood" role.[Conclusion] The coordinated development of urbanization and rural revitalization in the nine border provinces of China should be promoted by establishing a sound mechanism for urban-rural integration and development, formulating development strategies in terms of zoning and classification, building a new pattern of cross-regional collaborative development, and activating innovation-driven endogenous development momentum.

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  • Received:November 02,2021
  • Revised:December 24,2021
  • Online: August 02,2022