Response and Recovery of Pinus Massoniana Populations to Drought in Erosion Zone of Changting County, Fujian Province
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    [Objective] The response of the pioneer tree species Pinus massoniana to drought and subsequent recovery in the erosion zone of Changting County, Fujian Province was determined in order to provide scientific support for the recovery and reconstruction of vegetation in this zone.[Methods] A 30 m×30 m population-monitoring sample area was selected in a severely degraded site in Hetian Town, Changting County. The basal diameter, tree height, and reproduction of each P. massoniana tree within the sample area were measured. The life rate changes for P. massoniana during 2016-2020 were calculated with the help of a survival growth function and a reproduction function, and analyzed and discussed with regard to the annual standardized precipitation evapotranspiraton index (SPEI) calculated for the same period.[Results] ① When drought occurred in the erosion area of Changting County, the response of each life rate for P. massoniana was obvious. Individual tree growth and survival rate decreased. At this time, the reproductive diameter class advanced, the probability of reproduction of small-sized trees increased. P. massoniana adjusted responses to maintain the existence of the population; ② After the erosion area entered the recovery period, the growth of small-sized trees increased, survival rate gradually increased, and the probability of reproduction first increased and then decreased. Each life rate of large-sized trees gradually rebounded, and the recovery rate was relatively fast. However, all individual trees did not recover to the state that existed before the drought occurred.[Conclusion] Severely degraded populations of P. massoniana has responded to drought to a high degree, and each life rate (survival, growth, and reproduction) changes rapidly, but the recovery ability of the tree population is poor.

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  • Received:December 06,2021
  • Revised:February 25,2022
  • Online: September 23,2022